Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/realtonystark
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Just wanted to thank everyone for being so patient with me. School has been absolutely crazy, but I'm hoping to get quite a bit of writing done while I'm on break :)
This was one of the hardest chapters for me to write and I'm still working out some of the kinks in it, so if you have a suggestion please let me know I'd be more than happy to list to it! Thanks again and happy reading!
I just finished writing Chapter 10! I will have it edited and posted by tonight :)
Sorry for the wait dear friends!! Chapter 10 of The Soldier is in the works and should be up in about a day or two. Thanks for your patience. I'm a college student so I needed to focus on school for a while, but I'm back now so I hope I can get back into the swing of things :)
Thanks again for your patience with me.
Chapter 9 is up! It's in the same file as chapter 8! Enjoy :)
I finished the rough draft! I hope to have Chapter 9 up by tomorrow :)
O my goodness! I'm so sorry about my extended leap of absence! Since I last posted I moved into my new apartment, started up my soccer season and even gotten a few hours of homework here and there (For those of you who don't know I'm a sophomore in college). Anyhow, I am still writing! However, chapters may not be posted as frequently due to homework and other things of the sort. I will post everything as quickly as possible and I will also post here when I publish a chapter :) Thanks for being patient with me friends *Heart*
Just edited chapter 8!! It went through some pretty big changes :) hope you like them! Let me know. On another note: CHAPTER 9 IS IN THE WORKS AS I WRITE THIS! :D I will let you know when its finished *Heart*
Chapter 8 is up!
Hey guys! Finally got the chapter done! I am editing it once more tonight then I will post it! It will be posted tonight! Thanks for ur patience *Heart*
Hey everyone!
Today has been very busy (as has this whole week) so I'm not sure if I will be able to get the chapter out on time. As many of you know I type up my chapters and then attempt to edit them, because I don't like to post my work unless its my best work. However, I am working on it as I type this so hopefully it will be out by tomorrow (if not earlier). Thanks so much for your patience *Heart*
I, for one look forward to it. And to be quite honest.... you shouldn't post your work until it is near perfect anyway...
Thanks David! I will be sure to post when it's done :)
Update: I have reformatted my profile so that I can keep adding chapters! :D
Also I am starting Chapter 8 now so I may have it up early than expected. I will post here once it is posted! Thanks lovelies *Heart*
I'm finishing up editing today and I will start working on Chapter 8! I hope to have it out by 7.22 (wednesday) :) Thanks to everyone for being so patient!
Two new chapters are up! I think I may take a one or two day break before starting the next one. I will use this time for editing past chapters :) thanks for everyone's support I really appreciate it *Heart*
Chapter 5 is up!! :D
Alright! I plan to have my Chapter 5 finished by tonight...and by "finished by tonight" I mean, I started writing it 30 minutes ago lol! Writer's block is the worst. Anyway hopefully I will have it done in a few hours *Heart*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/realtonystark