Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ravenray22
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Currently filling out some papers for my application into Job Corps up in Cherokee,North Carolina.I need to restart my life by getting my high school diploma,my drivers license,a good job/career,going back to college,becoming a better mother for my children,etc.I haven't had a decent job in over 3 year's now since I've been down here,you see I moved down here in the late spring of 2010,I'm originally from Dundalk,Maryland but it's of no consequence anymore.When and If I graduate from Job Corps,I have my eye on moving back to Dundalk or just Maryland in general to help start up a business proposition with a group of friends of mine,so hopefully,we can lift it up off it's feet with some support,finger's crossed
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ravenray22