Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/randomness1999
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Good day! Welcome to writing.com! I found your writing in the recent entries area. I read Coming Out As A Male Victim Of Abuse. It appears you are not looking to have it reviewed so I will not do a review unless I have your permission. We can review upon request for feedback not including the mechanics of your writing. Anything you need like that just ask. In addition to reading and reviewing, there are a variety of groups with special interests. I belong to a reviewing group called Super Power Reviews. Others focus on other things like the Honor Our Veterans, disABILITIES Writing Group, Pen Pals, and WdC Angel Army groups. There are groups by genre you write like fantasy, poetry, and others. Any questions you have about how to get around there are resources like the links at the top of your screen: Getting Started and Writing.Com 101 can answer most. I offer you my assistance as well for questions or concerns. You are welcome to email me at tracker1948@writing.com. Glad to meet you. Have a good Friday.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/randomness1999