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If you really want to get exposure for your newly published horror (novel?) please be sure to post it at the following:
First, click on "Shop" in the left side-menu, then click on "Authors in Print." At the top of the screen there will be a link to "Set up your In Print area."
I believe the second "place" is actually a long-time moderator who keeps a list, but whose name I can't recall right now. Maybe Schnujo's Giving Away GPs
I did some searching about and didn't find any other places to post it - though if you announce your publication with the name and title of your work on the Community Newsfeed, I'm sure there are lots of fans of horror who'd be interested in seeking it out on their own!
The other place to post it is
WdC's Current Authors’ published books for the Published Books of WdC Authors Forum.
#1858547 by Joy
I recommend you both go to the page and click the Plus Sign to help keep track of it. Don't click the Plus you see there or you will just be keeping track of Joy, not her page.
Anyway, open the page and click the Plus there. Congrats and good luck!