Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/quela
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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I tightened it up a bit and some of these older poems are living up to their potential
Another wonderful poem, Kayla. I'll link to it in a comment on my own Newsfeed in the hope that it'll reach a few more people. It can be a struggle to be seen in WdC but there are people who will understand what you're saying so eloquently and elegantly. Sometimes it takes time to be noticed, that's all.
Have a read of this poem that expresses similar feelings to your own:

"Re: EIGHT - 10.20.20"  Open in new Window.

I've been downgraded again. It will be a couple of weeks before I can afford to be here. Ho-hum! I'll come back bigger and brighter than ever!
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
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I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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I just received an upgraded membership from some super-chick! Give me another 24-48 hours to super hook up my portfolio. Get back! Woo doggies!
So awesome to meet you at the open house! *Heart*
  •   1 comment
you are such a cool gift to meet
We.... have arrived
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we so need to have coffee!
Christmas shopping done AND a new poem too? I started the first 4 lines months, years ago. Last night I finally finished it. Ah. The voice of Doris Day in the background... I love Christmas
living the dream
Living the dream...
No car = No school = I will be back again.... bwah ha ha ha
I am working 'How to be a Girl in a Mosh Pit' into an actual How-To Manual with illustrations.
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Call me! I've lost your number :( Hoping you have a wonderful birthday!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/quela