Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/pshaw
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

Happy New Year, dude. I know you've been burned out, so here's hoping you can find a spark in 2018!
Happy 3rd anniversary of being on this site! *Smile*
Thanks for both of these notes, guy. It's super that folks look and read my stuff, let alone like it. I hope you like the content on my tumblr as I put out more of it, and keep here for whenever I might find a new chapter I want to add.

Bless you for both of these comments. I didn't even know today was the day, ha.
*starts noticing your name in a couple interactives*

*becomes engrossed in your writing style*

*goes to your tumblr and reads it all*

*laughs, remarks that the horoscope for tiny Cancer is spot on*

Basically, you're a spectacular writer and my favorite in the time I've spent here. Your humor and erotica balances are spot on, and what you write, both in the humor and erotica categories, caters to my tastes exactly.

Never change, good sir. *Smile*
Tumblr account at https://somedaynotsoon.tumblr.com/ for those who are interested.
Just so you know someday, I really love your interactive stories you post for people. x3
yo, thanks for the note, friendo. I've been kinda lax on writing that I can post to WDC, but hopefully I can get some stuff out sooner rather than later.
Oh your welcome and it is good to get that out of my chest since I feel like you been writing for nothing and that I think you need to know that others like your stories as well as I do too. So hopefully when you can, I am happy to see you back in writing again. I do try to write things but I don't think it is as good as yours and so keep up the good work too. (I think writing.com is kind of quiet and no one really speaks to each other in my opinion.)
the gang's all here, apparently

Leave scribbles. I'll feast off your words like a vampire sucks blood.

... especially if they're bad words, like damn, or moist.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/pshaw