Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/pjune
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Lady you are amazing 😻!
Any tips for non fiction?
Maybe turn it into a fictional one? Can't blame me for asking lol!
Welcome back 😁!
Blessings 🙏
Most of my nonfiction projects are for fiction writers. I have worked with a few nonfiction writers over the years.

What kind of nonfiction tips are you looking for?

Thanks for the welcome!

I'm not exactly a newbie as I've been a member here for 24 years. I've not been active in a long, long time. But I'm back!

I'm getting ready to retire from my day job on January 3rd. I'm currently working on two novels: WINGS, a technofantasy, and SOUL WEAVER, an urban fantasy. I also have several nonfiction projects underway.

Princess Megan Rose Author Icon - Thanks, Megan! May your writing journey bring you joy. June
Welcome back to the land of the living! What, after all, is life but to experience and share one's experiences through writing?
         It's great to see someone so active at your age.
Humble Poet PNG in green Author Icon - Thanks so much! While there was a period during which I was not writing much, since 2004, I have been teaching fiction writing online. After becoming a certified coach, I began coaching and mentoring writers. Doing this, plus a day job, I had little time to work on my own writing.

Had a huge wake-up call the end of June 2024 and decided to retire from the day job. Since then, I drafted a novel and working to revise another one.
*Partyhatp* Happy WDC birthday! *Partyhatp*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/pjune