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Prompt for March 26th, 2025

I went on a search for the truth on planet Perhaps and found this instead.

 Serpent lies... Open in new Window. (E)
How do you begin to explain something so reality shattering?
#2110735 by Perhaps Author IconMail Icon

Read, review, and write about this.
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!
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Prompt for March 24th, 2025

I headed over to planet ßlυҽყҽʐ 🤍 to get a report about writing. I was presented with this item.

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Brain Crumbs Open in new Window. (18+)
Forming poetry from my crumbling thoughts
#2298732 by ßlυҽყҽʐ 🤍 Author IconMail Icon

Read, review, and write about writing.
ßlυҽყҽʐ 🤍 Nice book/blog of poetry. Don't know how I missed it. By keeping these in a book it becomes easier to find and/or choose an appropriate one for contests. My poems are scattered so I'm trying to gather them and make individual items out of them (not everyone has that option, book entries work fine imho).
Marvelous Friend Thank you so much for the plug of my poetry book. What a nice surprise to find this on the newsfeed! *Smile*
Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon - So nice to see you. *Smile* Thank you for stopping by to read some of my poetry. This book kind of went dormant last year but with the new blogging merit badge I started adding to it again.
The Bible study has been cancelled for tonight. We will resume next week at the same time.

This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!
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Prompt for March 22, 2025

I also like a cup of coffee in the morning. Some people may take it to an extreme and their coffee might be considered a thing of life and death. Take this story that I found in the WDC galaxy today for instance.

 Don't drink my coffee Open in new Window. (18+)
Sometimes you should know when not to take what doesn't belong to you.
#1864429 by Lonewolf Author IconMail Icon

Be careful who's coffee you indulge upon. Read, review, and write about coffee in your blog today.
  •   1 comment
Just a little frightening...
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!
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Prompt for March 21st, 2025

While wondering the WDC galaxy with Master Yoda today, I ran across planet Dad and found this creative and happy announcement.

 A birth announcement limerick Open in new Window. (E)
It is what it says it is: The birth announcement for my 1st grandchild
#2041927 by Dad Author IconMail Icon

Read, review and write about grandparents and/or grandchildren.
  •   1 comment
Dad  Author Icon
I am happy, honored and humbled by this achievement. Thank you from the bottom of my he.

"Dissapearing accounts."  Open in new Window. Does anyone know what is happening to this person's accounts? This doesn't sound like the membership expired. Maybe we can help them out.
  •   1 comment
I just read the thread they posted in. I know StoryMaster will not hesitate to delete an account if fowl play is involved. Maybe they have a hacker who is targeting them. This is a rare case.
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!
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Prompt for March 20, 2025

I found a planet I have not visited before today. So, I stopped by for a visit and found this item.

 Night Terrors Open in new Window. (13+)
A Daily Flash Fiction entry.
#2097234 by Elizabeth Author IconMail Icon

Read, review, and write about Night terrors or dreams.

Hello! Thanks for stopping by my little hub and reading Teddy! I appreciate you sharing it with fellow writers. That was very nice of you.

This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!
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Prompt for March 19, 2025

I went over to planet Seabreeze because I heard about some teddy bears they had there. I found this item.

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TEDDY Open in new Window. (E)
A story about my Teddy Bear
#2334029 by Seabreeze Author IconMail Icon

Read, review, and write about Teddy Bears.

This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!

Prompt for March 18th, 2025

I was just wondering around the galaxy looking to make sure everything was in place when I happened upon this Starr and found this item.

 Lonliness Open in new Window. (ASR)
Written March 3rd at 10:08 pm
#371068 by Starr Author IconMail Icon

Read, review, and write about loneliness today.

Jay O'Toole Author Icon - It can be our little secret. Shhh!
Awww! puppies!
That is so cute!
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!
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Prompt for March 17th,2025

(Happy Saint Patrick's Day *Shamrock*)

I went to visit our ex-captain's, Chris Breva's, habitation, to check to see how he and it was doing. While there, I ran across this.

 They Forgot to be Thankful Open in new Window. (E)
Writer's Cramp Entry 11/26/18 A story from God's word
#2175672 by Chris Breva Author IconMail Icon

Read, review, and write about the importance of showing gratitude. Speaking of gratitude, we appreciate his creating this Blog and all the other contributions that he has made to WDC. I hope he reads this.

Please say some prayers for Legendary❤️Mask Author Icon and her son as they are needing God to work in their current situation right now and prayers of healing for her especially.
Praying for them right now. *Heart*
Dear God, thank you for your loving kindness. Please help in this situation to give wisdom, strength, and whatever else is needed in Jesus' name, amen.
dogpack saving 4premium+ Author Icon - Amen. Thank you.

Bible study link

Marvilla Pickens is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Bible study
Time: Mar 15, 2025 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every 1 week
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Weekly: https://tupperware.zoom.us/meeting/tJMkf-6orz4sHNbJnkt2KdwBs-eqSZAu6Lve/ics?icsT...
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 8701 5662
Passcode: Joseph


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Meeting ID: 979 8701 5662
Passcode: 122663

Find your local number: https://tupperware.zoom.us/u/acwvzuZViS

  •   1 comment
Thanks, Marvilla. Planning to be there.
This image was created by the talented by Sharmelle's Expressions!
(Image will take you to the forum)

Prompt for March 15th, 2025

I heard someone had an account anniversary and traveled to their area of the universe to check things out when I found this item.

The Woman That Touched His Robe Open in new Window. (E)
A poem describing the woman that touched Christs robe.
#2335280 by Ichabod Crane-writing-reading. Author IconMail Icon

Read, review and write about this on your blog today.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/pickmarvilla