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Hello! I've been reading some of your chapters from your Pokemon interactive vore story, and have been enjoying it a ton so far! I have a couple of questions that I'd like to ask (and likely going to enter nsfw territory haha), so if you have a preferred method of chatting, do tell!
Hey all! I recently posted my first full-length vore story, involving a Persian and a couple of gullible boy-'mons.


Please do check it out and tell me what you think! I'd like to write more stories like this in the future, it's just a lot more work than drafting up interactive chapters. We'll see!
Good news everyone! I recently got word from Shrike Alvaron about the old chapters from the lost interactives. A user on Eka's Portal named rarrawer made a script to back up several interactives in their entirety, and they were kind enough to share the files with us! I now have both of the old interactives saved in their entirety!

So yes, starting now I'll slowly be incorporating many old chapters back into the new interactive. Not all of them, but all the ones I think are of good quality and that people will want to have back. And on that note, if anyone reading this has a particular chapter or storyline you miss from the old interactives, tell me so I can prioritize getting it back!
It would help if you told us what interactive you are talking about.
Ah, my apologies! It's 'Pokemon Vore' and 'Pokemon Vore: Diamond and Pearl,' originally owned by Hungry Catgirl.
I just thought others might want to know. Thanks.
Whenever you're up for it, I like you to work your magic on this chapter: http://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/2029451-Pokmon-Vore/map/13411111
*Scratches chin*
A warm avian meal to my recent chapter
Nice, I like!
Thank you, also it's meant to be my title, but I forgot to change it cause this took so long to make. I'm doing this on the ps4 if you don't know.
Have you checked out my undercover character. How you like him? I found him pretty suitable choice for a undercover cop
Oho. Getting ideas already, well after it I'll make a choice. Show me what you'll got!
I made a option on my latest chapter. Up for adding to it please? It's your call.
Nice work there, I like where this is going! I'd love to add to it but not right now. Whenever I'm in the mood and not busy with things I'll certainly write something up.
My recent chapter title is Living sleeping bag. I keep forgetting to change the chapter. I'm sorry. I'm not doing this on purpose.
I don't mind changing chapter titles for you, just try to remember in the future.
I need you to change my recent chapter to black hole. Please.
Thank you.
The luxray chapter has begun. Hope you like her. You can add to it if you like. And I could add to your tournament if you like. I'm curious as to what you can concot.
  •   1 comment
Nice! Thanks much for all the new additions! You are free to add wherever your heart desires. As for me, we'll just have to wait and see...
So I've added in a vore tournaments section to my interactive, mostly to be able to put back up several quality chapters from the old interactive. I've been writing up chapters to fill in the gaps of what I don't have, and I realized I should ask- if anyone else out there has some classic chapters saved, please do send them to me. I want to re-up as much good stuff as possible. It doesn't matter where it was in the story, I'll figure out some way to fit it in eventually. Thanks much!
  •   1 comment
I was waiting so long for this chance, and now It's here. I am now one of your fans. Thank you.
I know you have other thinks to do, but I would really like for the temple to be put up as soon as possible.
Noted! It'll be a while because I have to rewrite many of the in-between chapters, but I'll see what I can do.
How are my chapters on your interactive. Is there anything in particular you want to see?
Looking great! Thanks so much for adding. No preference here, anything you feel like writing.
Okay! I have completed a tentative outline for the interactive and made it available to the public. There's nothing beyond deciding on a character yet and setting 4 is still just a placeholder. Hopefully I (and other people) will find the time and motivation to start making it into a real story.
I would like the temple to be in it if it isn't already(I haven't taken a full look, so don't be harsh please.).
Ah yes, the temple had some of my favorites too. Sane man talked to Shrike, who fortunately had a few of the old chapters saved so we should be able to re-establish them eventually. We have a lot of the 'vore tournament' ones at the temple so I'll see what I can do about adding that place to the new interactive.
Oh... oh no! Is this what I think it is? Some of my favorite vore interactives have suddenly disappeared! Can this be? Has our long-term benefactor left us without warning and taken all of our precious work with her?! Oh, for how long we toiled!

No... okay.. it'll be okay... I'm working on something right now to fill the void! The dark, fathomless void... I can't replace all that wonderful smut, no, not right away. I will provide a new media for the community to build upon. I pray that somehow those chapters are not truly lost forever, but I must assume the worst. I will open up my interactive to the public as soon as it is ready. ...Be strong, friends!
Fear not my sane friend, once I've got my interactive pieced together I'll help you out rebuilding that situation. If anyone else has a particular bit of story they have saved / want to recreate, let me know about it. That, and any suggestions or ideas in general for the new interactive!
What interactive dissapeared? I only watch viral Pokemon and Pokemon school x3
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/onesickkitty