Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/olivia44
Please follow an ASR rating.*
GOOOOD MOOOORNING, MS. Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon!*Rolling*

100% me! *Rolling* *CoffeeToGo*
That's a little too early... *Laugh*


=> "6. Meatballs MarsalaOpen in new Window. & "7. Raspberry-Ricotta-SconesOpen in new Window.

NO hunger.*Idea*

Sorry, a little warped from my first Grappa ever.*Dead*

Have a great day / evening, everybody.*ThumbsUpGreen*
Hi, guys.

Hope you're having / have had a great day.*Cool*

Last call: today, 11:59 PM

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon


As Genre Quills hinge exclusively on Community vote, every vote counts.

THANK YOU, and have a great day / evening. *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
  •   1 comment
I did a few. *Smile*
HOLY COW, I DID IT!!!!*Shock2*

Did ALL surveys (and read all entries!) of

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

Damn, my eyes are REALLY as square as a *TV* now*Shock*, but I read some AWESOME, moving, inspiring things I won't forget in a long time.*HeartBroken* => *Heart*

DON'T DENY yourselves THAT, guys!*Shock2* Vote, vote, vote your fingers sore. EVERY vote counts – and is NEEDED – as Genre Quills hinge EXCLUSIVELY on Community vote.

You've got till tomorrow, 11:59 PM!


Have a great start into the weekend!*Cool*
Time's ticking away – only 3 days left to cast your votes for:

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

closes on 3/15, midnight.*Shock2*

*ExclaimR*Genre Quills are EXCLUSIVELY determined by popular vote.*ExclaimR*

FRIENDS, this is not about nominees alone anymore.

Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon and her team put so much effort into the Quills*Shock*we, the Community, should honor + "pay it back" by using our vote.*Heart*

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, let's READ until our eyes are as square as => *TV* and VOTE till our (virtual) fingers bleed! *BigSmile*

THANK YOU!*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

Have a great day /evening, everybody.*HeartRate1*
Hallo, guys.

I know I'm GRAVELY behind on answering to recent reviews (e.g. for Dear Me entry) and thank you mails to a few other members. *Shock2*

Carol St.Ann 👓 Author IconMail Icon
The Tale of Coco Adore lol♥ Author IconMail Icon
Words Whirling 'Round Author IconMail Icon
Sung'manitu Author IconMail Icon

and more.

Please don't think I'm rude*FacePalm*, but a lot more than I bargained for (and I can't really control at the moment) is happening offline during the day, and all WDC-time at the moment goes into

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

BUT! Be assured – you'll all get a decent reply soon.*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

And maybe, just maybe, you'll help me a bit in above-mentioned endeavor. *Up* That Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon-Mistress needs something to do from March 16 on. *Laugh*

Read and write you soon!*HeartRainbow*
Guess I keep working swiftly toward those multiple NF-acievements.*Laugh*

But fun aside for a moment, guys. Hope you're having a good day so far*ThumbsUpGreen*, and probably some time spared since, as you maybe know by now*Sick*,

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

is underway, BUT! – closes on 3/15, midnight.*Shock2*

*ExclaimR*Genre Quills are EXCLUSIVELY determined by popular vote.*ExclaimR*

FRIENDS, this is not only about us nominees, anymore, but her busy helpers behind the scenes and the Quillmistress herself now.*ExclaimR*

Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon and her team put so much effort into the Quills – we, the Community, should honor + "pay it back" by using our vote.*Heart*

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, please share some of your time and READ until your eyes are as square as => *TV* and VOTE till your (virtual) fingers bleed! *BigSmile*

You'll not only make us nominees very happy, but also everyone behind that great event that's the Quills, BUT also discover some darn AWESOME reads, too.*Idea*

THANK YOU!*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

Have a great day and reading/voting period, everybody.*HeartRate1*
Na, guys... HUNGER?*Shock2*

The Old Kartoffel knows THE solution!*Idea*

"6. Potato WafflesOpen in new Window.

Have a great day, everyone.*Heart*
Hallöchen, guys.*Cool*

Hope you had a great start into the new week and have Feierabend soon.*ThumbsUpGreen* .

As you maybe know by now*Whistle*,

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

is underway, BUT! – closes on 3/15, midnight.*Shock2*

*ExclaimR*Genre Quills are EXCLUSIVELY determined by popular vote.*ExclaimR*

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, please share some of your time and READ until your eyes are as square as => *TV* and VOTE till your (virtual) fingers bleed! *BigSmile*

You'll not only make the nominees very happy, but also discover some darn AWESOME reads, too.*Idea*

THANK YOU!*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

Have a great day and reading/voting period, everybody.*HeartRate1*
Yeah, I know, guys, that you might wanna kill me by now*Sick*, but:

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

closes on 3/15, midnight.*Shock2*

*ExclaimR*Genre Quills are SOLELY determined by popular vote.*ExclaimR* (And there are some darn AWESOME reads to discover as well.*Idea*)

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, please donate some of your time and READ until your eyes are as square as => *TV* and VOTE till your (virtual) fingers bleed! *BigSmile*

THANK YOU!*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

Have a great day and reading/voting period, everybody.*HeartRate1*
Excluding categories I'm in (*Cool*) I've done all bar Culture, Romance and Spiritual. I'll probably skip the last two—it's a bit like asking a vegetarian to choose between a Big Mac and a Whopper.
No, it's great cause I forget everyday. *Laugh* So much going on in my life.
Dave Ryan Author Icon - WHAT!? But you'd totally miss MY romantic piece!*Shock2* It's two men talking... so not very romantic in itself.*Idea*

NO promo here, Ms. Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon... just a JOKE.*Wink* (Promo it woulda been if I offered the link*Smirk2*)
Yeah, I know, guys, that you might wanna kill me by now*Sick*, but:

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

closes on 3/15, midnight.*Shock2*

AND: *ExclaimR*Genre Quills are SOLELY determined by popular vote.*ExclaimR* (And there are some darn AWESOME reads to discover as well.*Idea*)

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, please donate some of your time and READ until your eyes are as square as => *TV* and VOTE till your (virtual) fingers bleed! *BigSmile*

THANK YOU!*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

Have a great rest-weekend and reading/voting period, everybody.*HeartRate1*
Hallo, guys, and yes, I know it's gettin' old, but:

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

is underway, AND: voting closes on 3/15, midnight.*Shock2*

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, now on the weekend, please donate some of your time and READ until your eyes are as square as => *TV* and VOTE till your (virtual) fingers bleed!

*ExclaimR*Genre Quills are SOLELY determined by popular vote.*ExclaimR*

And there are some darn AWESOME reads to discover as well.*HeartRate1*

Have a great weekend and reading/voting period, everybody.*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Guys, time's flying!*Shock2*

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

is underway, BUT: voting closes on 3/15, midnight.*Shock2*

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, with the weekend ahead, donate some of your time and READ until your eyes are *TV* and VOTE till your (virtual) fingers bleed! That Quillmistress needs something to do on March 16!*Smirk2*

And there are some AWESOME reads to discover as well.*HeartRate1*

Have a great weekend and reading/voting period, everybody.*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
My eyes will turn into televisions? *Shock*
Allan Charles 🐾 Busy Busy Author Icon - No, just as square as televisions.*Idea* Don't worry.*Rolling*
Hi, everybody!

Hope you're having a great day and start into the weekend soon.*Heart*

Shall you have nothing to do / planned on the weekend yet*Shock2*... Want an arm workout and, even more, something truly yummy?*Delight*

Then take a look at the newest addition to "ROOTS & WINGSOpen in new Window.:

"5. (Blue)Berry Cream Cheese RollsOpen in new Window..

Have a great weekend!*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
I've got enough of a workout cooking curry yesterday.
Elycia Lee ☮ Reviewing Author Icon - I hear ya, sister. But like the curry, kneading a pastry dough by hand is something veeeeery special. *Wink*
Hi, guys.

Hope the day finds you well!*BigSmile*

As you probably know,

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Quill Genre Voting CLOSES 3/15/25
#2273500 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

is on air since yesterday.*Delight*

BUT: voting closes on 3/15, midnight.*Shock2*

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, READ until your eyes are *TV* and VOTE till your (virtual) fingers bleed! That Quillmistress needs something to do on March 16!*Smirk2*

Have a great day and reading/voting period, everybody.*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/olivia44