Oldwarrior ![]() I just followed a link here recommending I sit here for a spell and read the work of someone who was well-loved in the community. I see your frequent notes in the newsfeed. Your insight I am sure helped every author who saw your instructive posts. I wish I had known you. Continued condolences to your son, family, friends, and anyone who knew you here. Thank you for your service so each one of us could continue to live in this great Nation without fear. I will hang out here in your portfolio reading some of your writings. Thank God for having the white case process so no one forgets what you did for this site. Rest in Peace tracker ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |
Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's passing when I read your note. I didn't know him but I found his site and I wanted to see what kind of stories and poems he wrote. I like poems so I will take a look at them and get to know him by reading his stories and poems. thank you for sharing Beacon40 |
Dear writing friends, There are no easy words to say this. Recently my father Gene Sarge Ladnier was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. He loved to share his stories with his friends and colleagues on this site and he would have wanted me to let you know the situation. A few days ago my dad passed away. He wanted to address everyone himself but in the last few weeks its been difficult for him to get around so we wanted to contact the people of this site and let you know, that he has met his ship to Valhalla and he is currently sitting in the great feasting hall. My dad loved to write. He was always engrossed in a new Sterling novel, or a great Cussler adventure. Literature was his life reading and writing and it showed with the beautiful words he put on paper. With the amazing words of encouragement that he always received from his followers and friends on this site he molded some of the most interesting characters into a magical story, or a beautiful poem. My fathers only regret is that he couldn't give more. He always dedicated his life to his family and his loved ones. He was a soldier, a father, a husband, a friend and all around amazing man. We will definitely miss him, there are not many men like him. Id like to say he was a rare breed. Please share his stories with your loved ones. I know that's what he would of wanted you to do. Thank you for listening and God Bless. |
You can be a proud son. Your dad Oldwarrior ![]() |
My condolences. I remember how my grandmother was in the final weeks of stage 4 lung cancer. It's never easy. ::hug:: You're all in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Old Warrior will sorely be missed. |
I am so sorry to hear this. My condolences to all friends and family. ![]() |
Sorry I haven't been on site lately. Seems as if I have a serious nerve problem in my right eye, and it's closed. When I open it isee blurred and double vision, so it's hard to read or write for more than a few moments. Awaiting results from eye doctor now. In addition, I have two severe fractures in my lower spine, and can barely walk, continuous pain. Awaiting to SEE a doctor. Love youguys. |
OW, for Oldwarrior, seems appropo for you at the moment, my friend. Are these VA doctors, with long waits, or are you with private doctors and getting timely attention? Pain meds should help you, despite the side effects. At your age, quality-of-life issues trump concerns over addiction and the like. I and others wish you well. So get well and stop letting this health stuff get in the way. We'll be pulling for you. Fighting for wellness has its own battles, and you thought your warrior days were over. If that sounds like the voice of experience, it is. Thus I know of from where I speak. Or something like that. |
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