Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/novacatmando
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Happy Writing.Com Account Anniversary!

Don't forget to go collect your special merit badges. In the left sidebar, go to My Account, go to *Badge* Achievements. Next, open up your email and and see your new shiny badges.

Happy 12th WDC Anniversary!

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver (1935-2019)

Splendid, isn't she!
A beautiful Heart
You will be missed
Your words will live on *Sad* *Heart*
This gal's Flash Fiction "Burnt Springs, Alabama" is shortlisted for the VERA awards at The Vestal Review. The polls show me in the middle of the pack, duking it out with the boys--may I please have your vote? --

Read the stories here and click on Part 2 of the poll. http://www.vestalreview.org/vestal-review-flash-fiction-2014-award//

Thank you!
That feeling you have when you're looking for something you've already written and can't find it, then wonder if you just dreamed it. That.
Bit of verse in the outside world. http://peacockjournal.com/catherine-moore-three-poems/
Anyone listening to S-Town from Serial and This American Life? Wow. I'm riveted.

Of course, I write about southern ironies like this: https://twitter.com/CatPoetic/status/854004159787520000
I think I'll set a goal to break 200 community points by the end of the year. Putting it out there, universe.
You'll get 5 pts for your anniversary, so just 3 pts to go? Seems doable!
Ah, yes true. Maybe I should aim higher :).
Hi there!

I see you're a member of the Angel Army Patrol so I'm dropping by to celebrate The WDC Angel Army 's 10th Anniversary with you!

May your halo shine bright
As you flit round this site
Spreading cheer and delight
To us all, day and night! *Angelic*

Just found the rolling on the floor laughing emoticon *Rolling*! Wow. Yes, it was that kind of day on WDC.
National Poetry Month: I'll be popping in with words. I've added a new entry to my book, "Invalid Item:
         "Invalid Entry
Latest news-- "The Best Small Fictions 2015" is on bookstore shelves and my chapbook "921b Elysian Fields Avenue (RETURN TO SENDER)" will be published shortly from Kentucky Story (KYstory.net). The hybrid narrative is written in a series of letter poems and may seem familiar to readers at WDC.

Also-- I'm signed up for the NaNoWriMo craziness so look for me there (same handle).
  •   1 comment
Congrats, Nova. *Smile*
For a publication that is all your own, but not part of an anthology, please send me a link to where online your book is being sold, so I can add it to "List of Published Books by WdC Authors for reviewers in "Published Books of WdC Authors Forum
From a late night email: "Congratulations, one of your works of fiction were selected for inclusion in The Best Small Fictions 2015. Out of hundreds of nominations, we narrowed down the field to 105 finalists. From there, guest judge Robert Olen Butler was asked to choose 55 winners to appear in the 2015 issue, due out from Queen’s Ferry Press in October. You are one of those winners." *StarStruck*
*Partyhatp* Congratulations! Although I am not surprised at all.
YAY!! Nice Job!
  •   1 comment
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Buy Story @ Amazon.Com!

These and other Amazon tags help support Writing.Com. *Smile* (I think.)
I used my WDC address book today. Sad to see so many portfolio cases that have turned white in my time here. *Sad*
White means that the members are on line!
Grey means that there is nothing in their port. ( I think... )
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/novacatmando