I have added a new item to my portfolio. " Man Who Loved Sweet Woman of the Night" Comments welcomed. |
OT. Symbols used to send a merit badge needed. Thanks, jackson |
To send a MB, left click the person's handle. A menu will appear and on the bottom right you'll see Badges. Click that. You'll now see all the badges they've recently received. To see more about a badge, click it and it will appear as a popup. In the upper right corner of this page, you'll see Send Badges. Click that. You can search for a MB, if you know what you want to send, or just scroll to find the one you like. When you find the "right" MB, click it to select it. Then click the green Jump To Bottom button on the MB and it will take you to the bottom...eventually. Depending on your internet speed, getting all the MBs loaded and getting to the bottom can take some time. I often just scroll down as it can be faster for me. You will see the 2 boxes needed to send a MB. The smaller box says Recipient Username(s). Here you put the USERNAMES (NOT THE HANDLES) of the person (or people) you want to send this MB to. (If you send it to more than 1 person, it will be the exact same MB with the exact same words to everyone.) You see the username by mousing over their handle. Your USERNAME is notjackson, but your HANDLE is Jackson. Type in any usernames you want to add to the list with a comma and space between them, but don't use "and" before the last one. Now in the bigger box, type whatever message you want. You can include code, so you can make it different colors, larger font, add emojis, etc. Then click the yellow Continue to Confirmation Screen at the bottom. This next screen shows you who you are sending it to (to ensure there's not a typo if you typed in any usernames), the badge you chose, and what you wrote. If you need to edit, now's the last chance. Sometimes when you go to edit, you have to rechoose the MB. But I feel like sometimes you don't...or maybe it's just a change, you used to have to and now you don't? Whatever. You're smart. You can figure it out. If you like what you see, confirm it. MBs normally cost 10k each, but you can send a free one every 30 days. Right now you can send a free one every day, which is what I suspect you are trying to do. And occasionally they're on sale for 5k. When you confirm the MB, you'll get an email and they'll get the MB, though it can take a bit for their CRs to update sometimes. |
Continued... CRs are Community Recognition--the numbers by our name. If you see a red warning that you've recently sent a MB to that person, please either ask if they care about CRs or wait until later. You have to wait 14 days, to the minute, for the person to get a CR for a MB. I tend to wait 15 days to be safe. If it say you've sent them one recently, it will show you the MB. You can click that (without losing your page) and it will pop up. Scroll to the bottom area of the MB info to see when you last sent a MB so you know when you can send another. You can still send a MB if you get a red warning, but many of us like to see the number by our name grow, so we will be disappointed if we don't get a CR for a MB. There are other ways to get to the MB sending screen such as Gift Points >> Merit Badges: Send. Have fun and good luck! |