Gentle reminder that I'm taking a short break from posting content in "Skins" ![]() There is a poll running to determine which branch will be dealt once I return: "Skins - Next Branch" ![]() |
With "Off the Cage, Still in the Doghouse" ![]() Once again, I apologize if these last three chapters aren't to your liking, as they're very, very dark. As I mentioned two days ago, the idea was to unveil Tessa for what she is (Evil), and to do so, I needed to be unapologetic. That, sadly, brought back the burnout, and if it weren't because I had some chapters previously written I would've been hard-pressed to skip another day. It's also the reason why this chapter feels rushed - the idea was to show David's suffering and temptation before reaching a point where he could escape. And that's also why it's messy - though it's not necessarily deliberately. As I promised, I made a survey to let you guys decide the next branch I should work in: "Skins - Next Branch" ![]() That said, I hope you've enjoyed these four months of nearly-uninterrupted content. I'd appreciate any critique about the process and technique. I feel this has been a big learning opportunity; doing small chapters is more challenging than long-form writing (which is what I usually do), and sometimes, reaching those points where you can break between chapters and potentially create new branches can be a hassle. Furthermore, trying to create varied content that doesn't feel like rehashing the same story twice - I know I got some comments about how the story felt like it always dealt with the same thing, but after a while, I found ways to escape and create new stories, using that same breaking point as a tool rather than the center of the story. That said, I'll be taking my break now, but I'll still be around. Probably also satisfy the need to homebrew mechanics for RPGs - the one other thing I unironically love to write about. |
With "The Devil Passes Judgment" ![]() ![]() First of all, I apologize if the chapter is too dark and not to everyone's liking. Basically, all I can say is that the story demanded it. So far, everything you've seen from Tessa is nefarious but ultimately positive - she quickly warms up to David and brings him into the family. However, this chapter has David taking out Trevor, thus implying that he indirectly offended her by interfering with a plan she had. Tessa, thus, is livid and out for revenge, only balanced by Paul's decision to replace Marie as exchange. This means she has the opportunity to show her true nature. If you feel offended by Tessa's actions, then congratulations. That was exactly the intention. I felt this was an opportunity to show that Tessa isn't merely a bad person - she's evil. She doesn't merely do bad things - she does evil things. Not in vain most of her appearances and her demeanor suggest temptation and corruption, and such chapters make a reference to the Devil - this is completely intentional. If Tessa cozies up to David, it's not for a good reason, and she's not one to repent very easily. (And if you do... well, there's a reason why Greeks had the concept of catharsis. At some point, they realize the wrongness in the hero's - or in this case, villain's - actions and suffer the consequences vicariously.) Yesterday's chapter ("Time-Out with Barbara" ![]() ![]() As I mentioned, after the chapter on Sunday, I'll take a break and post a survey for the next storyline to follow. I'll take the time to work on some stuff on my own, but also on the storylines. Hope this doesn't bother you, as I recharge energies for the next few chapters. |
With "A(nother) Betrayal in Multiple Layers" ![]() ![]() Part of the reason I say so is because, after a while, I started getting up to three chapters ahead of schedule. The reason is because I have a target resolution to this conundrum, yet as I was writing the chapters to connect it, the story took very interesting turns. When I last left this branch up ("A Betrayal from Within" ![]() ![]() And this, curiously enough, made for a more interesting story as he's being forced to think fast and act faster. Perhaps it feels like he's acting too professionally, but it's obvious he's improvising all the way, adapting to the circumstances, and finding a way to overcome them. It's interesting how he even found a way to "relieve stress" while at it, given how every second makes the trail run colder. And the trail led him to an unexpected reunion with his family, upping the ante. With two groups courting his attention, what will be his choice? Let's just say I already know his choice, and it's twice as exciting. In fact, I was seriously considering just going with it, but I'm pausing it just to have a solid buffer for a rainy day. As I mentioned past week, this branch will mark 4 months of almost continuous chapters in the "Skins" ![]() |
With "Like Returning Clothes to their Place" ![]() As you can see, it's a pretty hectic choice, and one that I was initially prepared for but took me for a surprise. You'll notice how Claire basically took over almost immediately, and this wasn't entirely planned for. Chapters 26 & 27 were made weeks in advance, so the twist of having her kiss Mikey was long coming. What happened next, though, was unplanned. The surprise came as things started to get more complicated. On one hand, it's great to address how hijinks can get complicated when real life situations complicate it. On the other, it's hard to navigate the mess and see it get even more complicated in real life. As I was writing, I immediately noticed every way things could go wrong, and that made me find ways to patch things, which undoubtedly will make things even worse. That made the chapters long and winded, which forced me to rein them in, which meant some extra editing. And I was having a good pace, but then came Wednesday. I had a blackout that lasted for almost a whole day, meaning I couldn't do anything to work on the chapter AND it screwed up my posting and sleeping schedule. Which is why everything afterwards was posted later. But I'll admit I'm also going on a bit of a burnout. (You'll notice Lindsey's surname was changed from "Young" to "White", just as editor!Ashley, but I decided to own up on it and make them cousins. Trying to keep with those threads can be a challenge, even for me.) This doesn't mean I don't wanna write more chapters, but the stress of having a daily chapter is starting to consume more of my time. So, as a heads-up, I'll take a break probably on the next two weeks (since I'm aiming for a 4-month posting streak) to arrange a few things before continuing. While that happens, I'll post another survey about which story to continue. Unless I change my mind in a flash, I plan to continue from "A Betrayal from Within" ![]() ![]() Anyways, I hope you're satisfied with the result. I really liked having a branch where siblings bond together over something, and having the younger one prompt the older to do fun hijinks. Thoughts? Questions? |
With "An Aunt's Skin-Deep Confession" ![]() ![]() Despite being one of the most notorious characters in the story, James "Jimmy" Wilson hasn't been fully explored. What makes him a prankster, other than "he's a teen and needs a quirk"? What about his family? Why he's so willing to embrace wearing skins? While that can be the same with other characters, Jimmy's special because some former members went into a very ambitious scenario with him - alternate universes and everything. While David's the star, people seem to like Jimmy a lot, even if it's just for hijinks. So, I figured it was only fair to give him a chance. And it's kinda impressive that all six chapters happened in the span of one day, if you think about it. Of course, as always, I have to work around the inconsistencies. One branch has Jimmy's mother be Julia, a divorcee raising two children, while the other has his mother be Vanessa, who's happily married to one Brad. Rather than choose the most convenient, I decided for a twist - have Julia and Vanessa exist in unison as twin sisters. With that idea, things flowed - Julia's a divorcee while Vanessa, her sister, married Brad, who was her fiancée. From there, things just started to build up. And with that build-up came the opportunity to showcase a bit more about how David would explore the power of the pens in a believable way. As a note: I'm not one to see soap opera arguments, but I was unwittingly raised with the even stranger arguments of telenovelas, so you'll notice some similarities. That soap operas often have villains wearing masks to fool the protagonists is a coincidental touch. So, what will happen to this strange parallel to a soap opera? Speaking of what's gonna happen next - the survey has been closed and a winner has been chosen. You guys decided, by a small 2-to-1 margin, to choose Kelly as the focus of the story. That means the story will follow "Snatching the (Fake) Informant" ![]() (And as for the others? Ashton & Allison were the second option, and no one chose the third. As a little teaser? The third would've explained what happened on Mackenzie's party with Jimmy and co. |
First of all, sorry for the lateness. I had everything ready but needed the rest. As I mentioned, the survey is now closed (and erased), with no last-minute changes. Thanks again to all who participated. The winner will be announced this Sunday. Hope you like this set of chapters - they're at an entirely different section, exploring one of David's oldest and strangest friends. Trying to unify all incarnations of Jimmy Wilson will be complicated - particularly because of the contradictions - but I hope I do him proper justice. Maybe later I'll make another survey to determine where should I advance the storyline. Stay tuned! |
As with every Sunday, "When the Occult is No Longer Occult" ![]() ![]() Much like with the previous branch, this was one I wanted to work because it involves a deep immersion into a character, and therefore a deeper exploration. Unlike with Rachel, Claudia has very distinctive traits beyond being a "pretty girl", such as her love for reading and the Victorian era, which influences her attire. It was exciting to see David, originally driven by lust, readily embrace her life to the point of advancing her goals and romantic ambitions. I had the idea for the Occult Society long before I retook the branch, as I figured it'd be an interesting quirk. Having a group of roleplayers engaging in faux occult practices while retaining the curiosity of those secret societies felt like a natural activity she'd embrace, as well as introduce further characters into the story. The idea of introducing a second Costume Set, however, came at a last minute, a way to put an obstacle to David's perfect theft of Claudia's life. Though the cliffhanger does suggest her solution to it (call Merry), what will happen afterwards is what matters. What will Merry (and Leslie) do now that they know C-Sets are in sale? Will this ultimately lead to some known individuals, or will it explore some of those loose ends? Fans of "The Book of Masks" ![]() ![]() ![]() I'll admit that I'm not sure what I'll do for tomorrow, but as others have requested, it won't be any of the branches starting from "To the David goes the Spoils" ![]() As for the survey ("Invalid Item" ![]() |
A little heads-up with today's chapter in "Skins" ![]() It's a challenge to post daily updates, even if the content written is short. Writing a chapter can easily take two hours, plus a couple minutes adjusting for word count. Some stories are easy to write while others haven't. Writing with skinsuits as a literary focus, rather than a literary tool, can be challenging. It's easy to have other themes (identity theft, disguises) take over, making the concept a one-and-done thing, rather than have the concept itself be the focus. I hope I've achieved that purpose, showing how many stories you can do with the concept of wearing someone else's skin besides the same themes. I also want to thank the people that have supported me during these three months: Sonicmetroid ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Also: the survey is still around ("Invalid Item" ![]() That will be all. Next chapter will be tomorrow (it's already written!) and I'll continue doing content for the foreseeable future. As an informal question: would you prefer next week to have a completely different branch, or continue with one of the existing ones? I got follow-ups for most of them, but I got ideas for some hijinks with a rather notorious guy. |
I'd like to apologize first and foremost, but after a little consideration, I decided to take a day off and leave "The Chessboard of Love and Ambition" ![]() Mostly, it's because of a bit of emotional burnout and having a blackout yesterday that left me unable to do much. But also, as excited as I was to write in this chapter, I'm pretty sure you noticed it... wasn't up to par. As I wrote it, the story took a really odd direction, ditching some of the darker areas for some unexpected silliness and introspection. That doesn't mean I'm unsatisfied, though. "The Hidden Depths of Cassandra Wright" ![]() But while I always envisioned that for Cassie, the development for David (now Rachel) took me unaware - mostly because it felt like it happened too fast. Do note that the development took over a month (one week per "stay" in one of the Five), but I'll understand if it feels too rushed and not as organic as, say, Marie's transition into Ashley. I wanted to convey the intoxicating exhilaration of becoming someone else with the intent to replace them, as well as the excitement of finding what to do with your talents - the same way how Cassie isn't the original one or Quentin, but someone else entirely, or how Tessa isn't just the original or Marvin but her own self. I also envisioned having David bring someone from their old life, but of course realism kicks in and therefore makes it a bit complicated to execute. While it's fine for some branches to immediately assume everyone wants to use the pens and go all-in, reality tells you that not everyone feels right with it and therefore will have different reactions. David's plans for Jessica should be obvious, but making it as easy as that just doesn't work, and thus the subplot of Tessa confessing her love emerged naturally, which only adds to the confusion. Anyways, tomorrow should mark the follow-up to "Slipping a New Book into an Old Cover" ![]() ![]() |
With "Snatching the (Fake) Informant" ![]() ![]() ![]() A couple of days ago, I was indecisive where to take this. The story naturally progressed to the point where David had to write the "free choice" article, and I found this to be a good way to explore the school and his school life. David being part of the school newspaper comes from a mention in "Use the pen on Mayor Chan" ![]() ![]() ![]() A good thing of this branch is that it offers a lot of new people to play with, and establishes some old favorites - the cheerleaders, for example, with Lindsey and Kelly more fleshed out, the latter being one of Jessica's friends, but also some of the jocks and usual cheerleader dates (like student president Ryan Chalmers), and even one-shot characters like Drew Collins (as one of Jimmy's other friends) and obscure crushes such as Scott Kilmeade and Allen Tennison. Can't say if it's 1-to-1, but there's also a bunch of new people, such as Mackenzie Flannigan as the school's party host, as well as Ashton Kennedy and Allison Tennyson. That said - I wasn't sure which option to follow, and I spent the past three days working the three different outcomes. And as I wrote to see which one to follow, I found I liked all three. So I'm once again unsure which one to follow, and because of this, I'm asking you. Which path should I follow? You may give your answer in this survey: "Invalid Item" ![]() (Minor tangent: You may notice some confusing repetitions. For example, there are two Ashleys, one who triggered this whole incident with the pens and the other being the school newspaper's editor. Usually, writers avoid doing this to prevent said confusion, but when dealing with a potentially large cast, avoiding repetitions becomes hard and verisimilitude breaks - after all, how many people you've met with similar names? They can also be storytelling tools when used correctly.) |
With "Barbie Roleplays as Mom" ![]() Last time I stopped it, David and his mom were cornered by Tessa Wright and some of her goons. Now, she's defeated, and things have changed. With that out of the way, they have access to most of the different pens created within the series, and a plethora of skins to play with. But of course, even though this feels like the perfect setup for most readers, reality will undoubtedly slide in. Having Marie become Ashley permanently has allowed me to explore a negative theme - identity theft - in a new light. Make no mistake - what Marie is doing to Ashley is wrong, but how tempting can it be to explore life as someone else? Most stories with this theme often explore the grim outcome - ruining the new identity's life out of sheer hedonism - but this explores a more positive, if still gray, side - where the thief actually plans to live their new life as the other person intended. There is a dark mirror with Ross, the (now former) owner of Barbara, who was doing something similar but still subtly ruining her life by making her a source of criminal activity. Marie isn't planning this - she just wants to have a job, a salary and a new lease at life - but her actions still involve denying someone their free will. Do you support her, or not? And of course, this involves family issues. We all know Tina's not gonna like this, but what will Claire and Nick say? Especially when it involves bringing Ashley's sisters to the house? Rest assured I will return to this branch in a few weeks, to see how this story evolves. (And also: did David choose skins for himself? Which ones?) As you can see, the way all these stories have developed reveal a lot more of the Wrights' backstory, but ultimately branched into different paths. The branch with Silva has made David an accomplice of the nefarious Organization, and now he's unsure if she's to be trusted. This branch has Marie change her life, but at a great cost - which her family will most likely pay. And of course, there are two more branches to deal with. Tomorrow, I'll continue the story left hanging in "Two Plans Come Into Collision" ![]() As a final note: while I appreciate the tips, I also appreciate correspondence. Feel free to say what you feel about these stories - no tipping required! |
With "A Betrayal from Within" ![]() This branch explores the ideas started very early in "Spy Game" ![]() Both branches show two different faces of the Organization, but most importantly, they keep their intentions under wraps. When David joins, the missions are your standard spy fare but without a clear goal; when they hunt him, however, they're implacable yet fallible. No clear good intentions, but no evil either. Though "The Tip of the Iceberg" ![]() ![]() Will he run away, hunted by an old friend and without a life to return, armed only with one of the pens? Or will he confront Silva, wondering what are her intentions? Tomorrow, I'll return to the branch having Marie become Ashley. "Opening Up to Disaster" ![]() ...Or, well, two parents. Because I started the year by planting (in "Becoming a Very Real Fake Agent" ![]() In any case, expect more content in the following weeks - this isn't over yet. There's lot of paths to explore. I believe the stories have evolved to a point where they are their own stories, and I hope I can keep it that way. (Also, as a shout-out - Seuzz ![]() ![]() |
With "Slipping a New Book into an Old Cover" ![]() Though the theme might be a bit similar to the others (criminals taking over someone else's lives), I decided to twist things around. Leslie and Meredith aren't good people, but they're not bad either - they have dreams and ambitions, but chose to follow a life of crime to do so. I purposefully made them so that they would be sympathetic, but still have enough reasons to hate them. Meredith being a distant cousin to Marie wasn't planned but was a fleeting idea that emerged and evolved on its own. This is also an examination on the concept of identity theft vs. identity death. The first is when someone, through magical, supernatural or highly advanced technological means, takes over someone else's life. The second is tied to the first, but specifically involves ruining that person's life out of perverse satisfaction. Both are ultimately negative concepts, as one involves denying said individual's freedom, while the other is far worse as it destroys their integrity and good standing. Usually, the two concepts come tied with corruption of the thief, specifically loss of morals, as the act of taking over someone's life is arguably reprehensible. Yet, both can be given a rare positive spin. Identity theft is the easiest, when someone downtrodden is given the life of someone better because that someone dies or otherwise is unable to continue with their existence. Identity death can be used as karmic retribution for a villain, though the hero of the story will usually desist after a moment of realization. Almost always, those positive spins are meant as lessons and rarely as rewards, the latter concept often either a comedic, karmic punishment to a very vile villain. This branch explores a more grounded aspect of both. What if a criminal must use someone else's life to hide, but actually intends to go through with a better life? I feel that's a rare and unexplored spin, especially when the characters themselves aren't exactly intending to turn over a new leaf or become completely upstanding citizens. And then there's David. He also fell victim to that corruption. Where will Claudia's life lead him? Tomorrow, I'll most likely return to one of the previous branches. Still unsure of which one, though. |
Perhaps my favorite story category. Regarding Identity theft / death. I would say I’m mostly in agreement with you. I also consider stories where a person essentially disappears because they have assumed another identity as falling into the latter category. Either via theft or simply by taking on a newly created one. |
With "A Taste of Gloria" ![]() You may have noticed that I was forced to stop for a brief moment on updating because of an unfortunate incident. The plan was to release one vignette of David wearing each one of the "Five", a set of skins of five sexy and voluptuous women, and something he did with each of them. The plan is to set in motion ideas as to what David could do if he assumed each of their identities, culminating on a global choice where said stories could be advanced. Unfortunately, by Wednesday morning, I was forced to stop because of an incident I won't talk about. I still worked on the vignettes, so as to not keep my hands idle, while working for a resolution that happily happened yesterday. That led to all the other vignettes being released, as well as a little detour into what's happening with the Andersons - because, when you deal with evil, evil things happen. What next? Something entirely different, not happening on the Ashley Wright branch. (Shocker!) I won't go into details, save that it'll involve a deeper delve into a new character with a very peculiar quirk. I will return to the branch after this deviation, maybe switching between it and this new branch. That said - while I already have the sequel to this paused branch chosen, if you're interested in seeing how any of the others develop, feel free to say so. I want to explore each of the possibilities, since each hook can lead the story into wild ways. (And I apologize for that interruption - it may not have been entirely my fault, but maybe someone wanted to advance that storyline and felt frustrated that there was no option to. I felt making the vignettes sequential, ending up in a big choice, was the appropriate move - though one where I could end up locking myself out of.) |