Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nordicnoir
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Ned  Author Icon
It isn't just because I am getting old that I go to bed before midnight and don't celebrate the New Year, but with age I have started to look back more than forward and celebrate the old years and the people who inhabited them more than the emptier years ahead. Happy Old Years!

Maybe 2025 will be someone's old year in the future, a year of memories for those who have yet to yearn for the past. I have a prodigious number of old years stacked up in my nostalgia and New Year's only serves to remind me of how far away those years are. I mean, even Dick Clark is gone and we swore for decades that he never seemed to get any older.

Ned  Author Icon
According to the CDC, 73.6% of adults in the US are overweight, which means overweight is the new normal weight. Therefore, you've already met your New Year's Resolution. Time for dessert.
Ned  Author Icon
I've added a new entry to my book, "More Promptly Poetry PPC 5Open in new Window.:
         "Santa: The truth revealed - Week 21Open in new Window.
Ned  Author Icon
I've added a new entry to my book, "More Promptly Poetry PPC 5Open in new Window.:
         "Now and Then - Week 20Open in new Window.
Ned  Author Icon
With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I can easily get overwhelmed with tasks and chores. Instead of making one long and intimidating "To Do" list, I divide chores into three smaller, more manageable lists.

1 Things I Won't Do Now
2. Things I Won't Do Later
3. Things I Will Never Do

Makes the holiday season feel so much more organized.

*TreePine* *SantaHat* *CandleO*
I love this! *Cool*
I absolutely adore this list!
Ned  Author Icon
It seems that all my life, I have washed dishes from right to left. However, due to the configuration of the kitchen sink in relationship to the dishwasher, it is most sensible to wash dishes from left to right. I am becoming ambidishtrous.
Ned  Author Icon
Beholden Author Icon - Usually, if something gets broken, I am the one who has to fix it.
Ned  Author Icon
Ichabod Crane Author Icon - I was the family dishwasher for years. My mother believed strongly in chores and avoiding housework. She had a saying "Why keep dogs and bark myself?"
Ned  Author Icon
Jayne Author Icon - My dishwasher is a countertop model - which still takes up a lot of room, so there are not a lot of places where it fits. It took years of thoughtful planning to move it from the left of the sink to the right of the sink.
Ned  Author Icon
I've added a new entry to my book, "More Promptly Poetry PPC 5Open in new Window.:
         "First Snow Week 19Open in new Window.
Ned  Author Icon
I've added a new entry to my book, "More Promptly Poetry PPC 5Open in new Window.:
         "Serendipity - Week 18Open in new Window.
Ned  Author Icon
I've added a new entry to my book, "Writings in the SandOpen in new Window.:
         "I Miss the Mess of Tinsel (but the cat would eat it, so...)Open in new Window.
Ned  Author Icon
Within days of being lit, one string of lights on the tree has gone out. Of course, the lights go on first so it's no easy task to change out the string. So the options are:

1. Take everything off the tree and replace the lights that have gone out;

2. Stretch out the other strings of lights to cover up the tree's dark section; or

3. Pretend they are flashing lights with a particuarly long dark sequence and keep everyone in suspense over when they will flash back on.
4. Find out you have run out of spare bulbs, go to the store to get a replacement, encounter a ridiculous selection of different fittings and voltages, inevitably come back with the wrong type, take out frustration on tree with an axe, put out for the garbage collection.
How to get lit:
Mix one part tequila, one part whiskey, and one part juice. Pour over ice. Drink.

Ned  Author Icon
I've added a new entry to my book, "More Eight Line Poems (March 2021 - ?)Open in new Window.:
         "Fussy FelineOpen in new Window.
Ned  Author Icon
I've added a new entry to my book, "Random Acts of Poetry Open in new Window.:
         "Stella, the Christmas StarOpen in new Window.
Ned  Author Icon
I've added a new entry to my book, "More Promptly Poetry PPC 5Open in new Window.:
         "Thankfulness Week 17Open in new Window.
Ned  Author Icon
I've added a new entry to my book, "More Eight Line Poems (March 2021 - ?)Open in new Window.:
         "PotentialOpen in new Window.
Ned  Author Icon
I am not yet old enough to be eccentric, but I am just the right age to be cranky. I not only don't remember why I went into a room, I don't care anymore. If my memory is not what it used to be, that's not really a problem, since I don't remember what it used to be, right? I don't relish watching my skin wrinkle and sag, but at least I am too poor to afford cosmetic surgery and I won't ever look as bad as those middle-aged celebrities with their eyebrows permanently raised in surprise over the hive of bees that have obviously attacked their puffy, swollen lips. And as I get older and crankier, I find that I like me more, even if others might like me less.
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Hey, every birthday you celebrate, might be a birthday someone else didn't get to. Make the most of it is what I say.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nordicnoir