Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nazreen
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Happy Birthday, my dearest Nazreen Author Icon. You are still not checking in here but that's okay. *Heart* I know enough that you're an awesome writer. *Kiss*
You are still not checking here, eh? I'm just so happy for you. Welcome to the Mama world, Nazreen Author Icon and CONGRATS!!!!!! *Heart*
*Balloonb* Hey! Welcome to WDC! If you need help with anything, just ask...most of us are pretty friendly and helpful. And you're friends with Elycia Lee ☮ Reviewing Author Icon, so I probably shouldn't feel too bad about offering to help you out *Laugh*.
Hey, what do you mean 'I probably shouldn't feel too bad'? *Rolling* Why would you feel bad?
Hi Nazreen, I want to give you a wonderfully warm welcome to WDC. I've been floating around the place a long time and it's been amazing. Enjoy *BalloonR*

Angel *Angelic*
Welcome, Nazreen.

We're glad to take you down the rabbit hole under the WDC wing and teach you all about what there is to know. *Bigsmile*

Let us know if you need help!

Jade Amber Jewel, at your service. *Wink*
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"A Letter to a NewbieOpen in new Window.

Elycia Lee ☮ Reviewing Author Icon wanted me to send you this.
We newsletter editors love to have people read our newsletters.
We never pass up a chance to flaunt them.
  •   1 comment
Awwww.Thank you for sending it, THANKFUL SONALI Love my family Author Icon. *Smile* *Heart*
Hallo Nazreen! Welcome to Writing.Com! I guess now you can see what sort of hijinks Elycia Lee ☮ Reviewing Author Icon gets up to, online. *Bigsmile*

And don't worry, we're all very nice people. *Angelic* And yes, I'm emphasizing on the "very". *Whistle*
That's what they all say, Elycia Lee ☮ Reviewing Author Icon! *Smirk*

Also, you may've noticed, Nazreen, I promote the liberal use of emoticons. *Bigsmile* *Laugh*
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Yeah, yeah, *Smirk* I vouch for both of you *sniggers*.
Both of you are very good. *Angelic* Really, really.

Ha ha ha ha!! *Rolling*


I do love both of you. And now, Nazreen, too.
I think she's going to be so shocked that we actually type out our own emoticons, Dragon. *Laugh* Thank you, THANKFUL SONALI Love my family Author Icon. You almost sound convincing.
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Nazreen, welcome to writing.com.
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Welcome to Writing Dot com, Nazreen! Great to have you on board! Have fun around here.

Hey, Nazreen Author Icon! Happy WDC Birthday to you!

Yep! The day you join is your WDC Birthday.

I'm so happy you're finally here. *Laugh*

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nazreen