Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nakedwriter
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Any Doctor Who fans here? I just wrote a short story imagining what might have been if Lis Sladen had still been alive when they filmed Day of the Doctor. I like to think she would have had a part in Tom Baker's cameo. So I wrote something along those lines. It's in my portfolio. The port number is #2004763. I would love a review if anyone is interested in taking a look. :)

I unwittingly celebrated my 1 yr anniversary of joining this site by writing my first short story in ages! Seems appropriate. It's a happy accident! :)
So it's my account birthday today. I'm one year old on Writing.com!

Happy account birthday to me! Cake all round! *Smile*
I just added a review of Day of the Doctor to my portfolio. If you haven't seen the episode but intend to watch it, be warned there are major spoilers.
The last three months have been so stressful. I can't wait to go away with my wife and get some stress relief downtime! You never know, it might even help me get my writing mojo back!
I have an idea percolating in my brain for a short story. It's tentatively called The Jacket. It's about a pair of jeans! ;)
I just had a red letter moment. I posted my first ever contest entry on Writing.com. Wish me luck! :)
Ugh! Why do I feel so achy?
I've just written my first draft for the Short Shots contest. I'd better hurry up and edit it. I have just over a week to get it posted!
It's nearly three am. I think it's time to go to bed. Good night WDC people!
The best thing about Brooklyn? The Pizza!
  •   1 comment
Ha! Nicely done. Grab yourself a slice!
So I have bragging rights and I'm going to use them. Despite a lot of distractions in my life lately, I managed to write 14 pages of my WIP yesterday and three more pages today. I'm setting myself a goal of at least a page a day, with more if I can manage it. That should be achievable.
Well done *Smile* I have every faith in you
Thanks blue and Bekkah! Bekkah,I tend to write in a notebook because for some reason my words tend to flow better when I write pen to paper. It just means I have an extra task of typing it all up. So I have no idea wht the word count is. I did a calculation though and figured I've written roughly 10,000 words altogether.
I had a typewriter when I was a teenager. But I wasn't a writer then. Go figure. Yeah maybe it is something to do with having something tanglible to work on. Or maybe when you're actively holding a pen your brain works differently. I don't know what the reason is. I just know I write better with pen and paper.
Hi and welcome to W.Com.

Just thought I'd be first to write in your notebook! *Smile*

Checkout "Let's help each other grow- Closed


*Star* Sisco. *Star*
  •   1 comment
Thanks! I don't make enough use of this feature.
Ok I'm heading off for the day. Got to visit a relative in a rehabilitation home. My stepfather-in-law fell and broke his hip. It was actually a fracture so luckily he didn't need the full hip replacement. Just three pins inserted. Still pretty rough on him though. He's 78. So the wife and I are visiting him. We try to go every other day. I'll be back on this wonderful site tonight to see everything I missed. Maybe I'll have a go at one of those contests! Have a great day everyone!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nakedwriter