Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/n2journey1
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Happy 16 WDC Anniversary!
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
Happy birthday!
*Balloonr**Balloonb* Happy WDC Anniversary!! *Delight*
  •   1 comment
Thank you!
Thank you to the kind soul who gave me a year's upgraded membership!
I'm back!
That’s great! Yayyy
Good news, now get to writing.

Just wanted to drop by & let you know I've missed you. I hope all is well with you. *Heart*
When did writing become so hard?
I haven't written in a while, sat down to write a short story on Wednesday and it was a struggle!
After 15 minutes, I put it away. Yesterday I didn't get time to write. Today I hope for at least 15 more
minutes that will, perhaps, flow more smoothly. HELP! I'm stuck in Block Land.

What a treat it is to see you here !
Keep at it, N2. In August you'll be
celebrating your 11th year with us.
Bravo and warmest best, Gab
I don't think you are alone with being stuck in Block Land Nita, most if not all get it now and again, and it can last for ages. However, perseverance is the key to getting back in the groove of things.
*Balloongo**Balloons* Happy birthday, Nita! *Bigsmile* *Balloons**Balloongo*
I'm back!
After a surgery that ended up being cancer that the biopsy did not catch, (Stage 1 Thank God), and dealing with hubby's Alzheimer's, I really need to start writing again. There is much that needs to be said... frustrations, hurt, pain, and even joys and happiness.
So, hello everyone - I'm back!
  •   1 comment
Sorry o hear about your ill fortune, hope everything is now going okay. Yes you should get back to writing as it is often the best way to let all that stuff out.
*Balloonb**Balloono* Happy WDC Anniversary!! *Bigsmile*
I can't believe it! I'm writing my Dear Me letter for the contest! It's the first time in a long time! AND, I'm excited!
I can't believe it! I got ready to write and realized that I need the Newbie tutorials! I've forgotten how to use Item and Bitem etc I'll get it... eventually...
I was the same lol
Thanks Mesonali for the tip!
Sci, thanks for the comment!
And I don't know how to put that into the proper form either Sonali! *Frown*
Hi there, Journey Back to Writing!
Yep, it's cool.
For a bitem link, you just put a curly bracket, write the word bitem, put a colon, put the number and close the curly bracket.
Like so:

Soulmates  (13+)
All about soulmates.For a future Spiritual Newsletter.
#2100619 by THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO
I think I'm finished my novel... I'm getting ready to put it in the hands of my former boss, an English major and prolific reader. She told me she would do a first read and edit before I get a professional editor. Hallelujah!!!! I'm so ready to move on away from it to something else. Although a part of me feels there are still unwritten chapters - and maybe there are.
If you feel there are still unwritten chapters, then your novel isn't quite finished. Unless of course you are thinking of using those unwritten chapters for a sequel?
You may be right Sciwriter. I need to sit down and read it cover to cover again and see where it takes me. Thanks!
Thank you to the Game of Thrones for selecting my work to review. I received some wonderful, informative reviews. There were some good catches that I intend to edit with suggestions that were in the reviews.

I have been out of commission - not writing for a while - life has not been so good for a while and I thought it had killed my Muse. (My husband was diagnosed with dementia. I have only been doing mindless things lately - can we say Facebook?)

Your reviews encouraged me - and as I went back and reread my pieces through your eyes, it made me really want to write again. Thank you!!

Thanks again to the Game of Thrones group. You most certainly rock!
*Heart* Sorry to hear about your hubby, it must be a tough road to walk.
Thinking about you, old friend. I know it's heart wrenching.
I'm so sorry and my heart goes out to you for what you guys are going through. *Heart*

With that said, it makes me so happy to hear the authors feedback that they are getting inspired to write from GoT. I think this is all sorts awesome and that makes me happy to hear and excited to inspire you writers to get back out there creating more.
This was hard for me to write. I hope some of you will read it - especially if you also have fur kids.
"Invalid Entry - the last few entries...
I'm having trouble linking it. *Frown* I have not linked in quite a while and perhaps I've forgotten how.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/n2journey1