Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mwayne
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I've added a new entry to my book, "Ridges and HollersOpen in new Window.:
         "Churches and people in the hollowsOpen in new Window.
Lord, watch over those in need this evening. Been a long day. Cats around the heater, they know it's gonna get chilly. Meds are done, and wife's in bed. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!! Gnight
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My cat is in bed waiting for me. I am watching Austenland and working on my Achievement streaks. Always a pleasure to read your good night messages.
Lord, please take care of those in need this evening. Meds are taken, and cats are on the table near the heater. Wife's in bed. Tired tonight. Gonna call it a night. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!! Gnight.
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That is sweet that the kitties lie by the heater. Hopefully, spring will be here. I enjoy your nightly messages.
OK, I am jumping on the bandwagon. Not sure where this will go, but here's at least a little start.
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Ridges and Hollers Open in new Window. (E)
Scratching of a ret. Lay Preacher. Some fresh, some not so fresh thoughts.
Psst Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ Author IconMail Icon
I've just added an item in my portfolio:
 Women in History Open in new Window. (E)
For National Women in History Day
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That was fast!!! *Bigsmile*

Thank you! ...*Witch*
Big Thank YOU!!! Found in my mail!!
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It's been a good day, Lord watch over those in need tonight. Wife's in bed, one cat with her. The other cat is on the arm of the couch. Kinda tired tonight. I'm continuously humbled by the talent gathered here. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Gnight.
Lord watch over all of us this night, those with worry, and those in need. Cats on arm of couch. The meds are done. Its been a good day. Finished first draft on my mystery. Wifes in bed. YOU GUYS ARE THE GREATEST!! Gnight.
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I enjoy your good night messages. My kitty is sleeping on the blanket chest. My best to your wife. Spring is coming.
Thank You!
A big surprise in my email. Thank you Jayne Author Icon !!!
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Lord watch over those in need tonight. Meds done. Wife breathing treatment done. Cats on back of couch. It's been a good day. YOU ALL ARE SO TALENTED!! YOU ROCK!! Gnight.
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Best wishes. Hugs to the kitties and a beautiful tomorrow. A lovely message.
Lord watch over those less fortunate this evening. Meds are done. Wife's in bed, the cats on arm of couch. YOU GUYS ROCK!! Gnight
Lord watch over those less fortunate this evening. Meds are done, and the cats are on the printer again. Wife is in bed. I am Humbled by the talent on this website. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. Gnight
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
The American Flag Open in new Window. (E)
I believe in it.
Lord watch over those in need this evening. 60 degrees tonight, snow flurries tomorrow. Meds done, cats on the table, wife's in bed. YOU GUYS ROCK!! Gnight.
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We had thunder storms and my cat was nervous. The tornado watch passed. I always enjoy reading your messages.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mwayne