I'm currently working on a sequel to my last book/first historical fiction, "Unintended Consequences - Wallis & Edward". This one is "Unintended Consequences - Between the Wars" and much to my surprise I've just taken on my retired soldier husband as a co-author. It happened because I asked him to review for historical accuracy the chapter I'd written on the first day of WWII, which began in Danzig, Poland, on September 1, 1939. Well, he did more than review! He wrote 100 pages!!! He has been my biggest encourager when it comes to writing. These two books were actually his idea initially. After this explosion of writing on his part, I've told him he can write all the future books he has in mind for me - and I'll be HIS Editor!!! |
My days on writing.com are numbered. I've enjoyed the writers I've met and I've learned a lot. But I joined - truthfully - to promote the four novels I've written and been moderately successful with results. Not one fellow writer here has read and/or reviewed one of my books. This is a paid membership, which for me requires results. But don't take this as criticism. This is not my first writing site and the results tend to be the same. My purpose in posting this message is to inform new writers. Your target market is not other writers - for sales or as beta readers. Your target market is readers - avid/always searching for their next read - readers. FYI and good luck. |
Also, I forgot to mention (plus, ran out of characters lol), most folks don't go on the Community Newsfeed. I would say maybe 3-5 of the really active members get on the Community Newsfeed regularly -- not necessarily daily, but at least a few times a week to scroll back through the last couple of dozen posts or whatever, but certainly not necessarily back to their last visit. The estimate of 3-5 is based on my previous, desperate efforts to get more people there. So, definitely do not assume everyone will see your posts on the Community Newsfeed because they definitely will NOT. That is why it is so important for you to interact with others and make friends/fans. Once they've clicked (or, preferably, double-clicked) your heart, your notes will appear on their Personal Newsfeed. It doesn't matter that 99.99% of WdC never goes to the Community Newsfeed. Some folks will automatically fan you if you fan them, though most won't. Some will fan you for GPs, if you have them to spare. I don't blog, but am told that some of the blogging challenges are a good place to make friends. Some of the daily forums can be good for that, too. I think a great place to meet and make friends is on the Community Newsfeed. People love having others Like and comment on their Newsfeed notes. Plus, you get to see more about what's going on around the community if you're on the Community Newsfeed. Win-win! I'm definitely not trying to blame the victim here, but just want you to know that you're using WdC "wrong" as best as I can tell. Though, as I think Elycia Lee ☮ Reviewing (or someone) mentioned, this isn't really your target audience, unless your books are on writing. But it can be a decent place to learn how other writers promote their books off WdC. I do wish you all the best! And congratulations on publishing 4 books! That's pretty amazing! You should definitely be very proud of yourself! So many people in the world say they will do it, but never get around to it and you've done it 4 times. Woohoo! You go, Kathleen Cochran ![]() |
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() See, Kathleen. I have been here for over two decades here, but there are still so many stuff I do not know. Still learning. Excuse my typos on all my comments because I'm kinda like doing it on the phone and laptop as I was on the go. ![]() |
Elycia Lee ☮ Reviewing ![]() If you go to My Account -> Account Settings -> Site Display Options there's a config option Logo Link To that can be set to either the personal or community feeds. If you set it to community, then clicking on the WRITING.COM logo at the top of the side bar will take you straight to the feed. |
It's been a busy summer. This is my first new article in a while!
Thanks to a good reader, I've just edited this article. Thanks to that reader for the help. It is always appreciated.:
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
![]() ![]() Hello! I just wanted to welcome you to WDC! I hope everything is easy here for you but if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Here is a wonderful place for you to check out: "The Angel Outreach Program" ![]() |
Hello! Good to be on a writing site that encourages community involvement. Getting feedback on my writing is like pouring gasoline on a fire! Keeps me going when that blinking cursor on the blank page taunts me: "So you think you can write? Yeah. We'll see." I also learn so much from other writers. From first glance at Writing.Com it looks like there is a lot here to learn. |
Welcome!! Here are a few things that might help;
Sounds like you're in the right place, Kathleen Cochran ![]() Welcome to WDC! Most of us who are here regularly consider this site our home away from home. It's a wonderful community and the Storymaster and Storymistress (I'm not tagging them because I know they're busy) who run the show take great care of the site and of all of us. If you haven't discovered it yet, check out the forum below to help you get off to a great start. ![]()
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
A Historical Fiction set between the world wars - What if? by Kathleen Cochran
#2336563 by Kathleen Cochran