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Hey there, Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ Author Icon! Here's one more Word Search to tack onto your to-do list. *BigSmile*

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Selling Shakespeare Open in new Window. (E)
Merchant of Venice-themed word search
#2336628 by Soldier_Mike Author IconMail Icon
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Thank you so much!!! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Colorado (39-24-3) 10     Final SO     22 Minnesota (37-24-4) *Shock2*

This is currently on display at Yahoo! Sports. When I first saw it, I wondered if both teams had put every retired Zamboni driver in the Midwest in goal. A look at the scoring table provided the reality check: Colorado lost 2 - 1 to Minnesota in a Shootout.

I can't help but think somebody on the late shift at Yahoo! Sports is going to get a visit to the Editor's office.
  •   1 comment
So, for what it's worth, here's an update. It seems Yahoo! Sports shows the number of goals scored in a shootout as part of the score, with the shootout goals in parentheses. As a result, an alternate box score screen shows Colorado 1(0) - 2(2) Minnesota.

NHL shootouts are relatively uncommon, so it's no surprise I haven't seen this 'score' before. Whether it's just understood that's how they post it, or if the parentheses were omitted, it still looks odd.
Do you review, either just for yourself or as part of an organized activity such as "Anniversary ReviewsOpen in new Window.? Did you review a blog / journal entry and then decide to do another one in the same blog / journal, only to find a notice at the bottom of the page that you'll need to clear your current review in order to post another one?

I'm happy to report that there's a work-around (or it's the way things have always been, and I just figured it out).

To review a subsequent entry in that blog / journal, just click on the entry's title. You'll get a separate page that looks just like a regular static item, including the customary Review! Share your opinion... box at the bottom. *ThumbsUpGreen* This allows you to give a separate review for every entry in that Book!

You're welcome!
Reviews for individual book entries have been around for a while, but reminders like this one are very helpful.
I usually review with a group because I like the rewards. Also, I love the Power Raids held monthly although I do often miss them just because I like to include their thematic signatures from time to time. Actually, come to think of it, I almost never reviewed a book entry before. *Shock2* I had just realised this.
Based on this video clip, I'd have to say S 🤦 Author Icon hasn't been pulling our leg regarding Australian critter shenanigans.

In my neck of the woods the only critters that will go into a house/building are raccoons, which make a terrible mess, the occasion non venomous snake, salamanders, and tree frogs. Although further north of here, they had a black bear breaking and entering some cabins!
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author Icon - Never look up, Jody, they'll peck your eyes out!
Sumojo Author Icon - So I was told.

When I would walk to the boy's house, it was much further than mine, but safer, so worth the walk.
If snow spoke Latin, the aftermath of today's "snowstorm" here might say something like, "Veni, melti, slushi" [I came, I melted, I drained away sloppily.]
  •   1 comment
Latin for snowstorm. Good one.
Greetings, all! Have you seen what Bodhisattwa Parekh Author IconMail Icon has going on? You can get yourself a Merit Badge and help support a couple of Groups all for the low, low price of... Well, you'll just have to check it out for yourself. *BigSmile*

"Note: Dear friends, If you donate me 14K GPs, you'..."
Thanks for the Review GPs, Anonymous!
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Anon seems to have been really busy! *Smile*
Your review works deserve those GPs.
Country music? Sure, you've got your big hits by Shania Twain and George Strait, but they don't sing like this (for which we may be forever grateful):

Loved HeeHaw!
Every Saturday night, my Grandma (yes, that's what we called her) fixed a hot dinner for any relatives who could make it, which was mostly my family after we got off from work. Then we watched Lawrence Welk and Hee Haw together. My folks lived within walking distance, so I usually parked there. I was a bog fan of Roy Clark and I learned to like Buck Owens. Country music grows on you.
Pumpkin Ready for Spring Author Icon - Indeed it does. *Smile*
Thank you for sharing your comment on the Wolf Trinket. Here is the Wolf along those lines. The question to think about though... is it a good wolf or a bad wolf? *Paw*

  •   1 comment
This is a very cool trinket - thanks! This particular one, the ominous musical accompaniment notwithstanding, looks neither good nor bad, but very noble.
Merit Badge in Reviewing
[Click For More Info]

Ranked # 8   Public Reviewer  for the month of  November 2024 . For more details, please see  [Link To Item #614925] .

How in the world did I crack the Top 10?!
Congrats Mike. And thanks for the reminder to check the lists. I, too, made it into the Top 10.
Beholden Author Icon - Excellent!
Thanks for the review GPs, Anonymous!
Oh, Ẃeβ࿚Ẃỉtcĥ Author Icon, look what I've got for you... *BigSmile*

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The Pies Have It Open in new Window. (E)
Good Thanksgiving-type food... and lots of pies!
#2330709 by Soldier_Mike Author IconMail Icon

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Thanks for this Mike!😁👍👏🤗
My NaNoNonsense finally cracked the 10k mark - woo-hoo!
Now go for 25k!
Jeff  Author Icon
I'm hoping to hit that milestone tonight as well!
Here's a little chuckle for you at the beginning / middle / ending of your day (or, if you live between north-south lines having the Koreas on the west and Honolulu on the east, to get your day going after you wake up): If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.
Not to steal dragonwoman Author Icon's 'fun facts' thunder, but I ran across this and just had to share it:


So, here's lookin' at you Elle Author Icon and all our other Kiwi friends!
🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon - Tell me you are not equating giving women the right to vote with COVID.
Looks like you shoulda stayed in your room, 🌖 HuntersMoon. *Yikes* Good thing you live off the grid and no COVID-carryin' vote-castin' womenfolk can just show up at your door [38°20′12″N 77°45′21″W]

Oh, I'm sorry! Was I not supposed to post your actual location?
Good on ya, New Zealand. Of course the women from the Land down under "roll and make thunder' so there's that!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mikewrites