Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mike0s
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It's me again! Buffed it up a bit, this time sober!

"Preface._Open in new Window.
Hrafnar Árgeir
Check out My New Preface! Thanks!!

"Preface._Open in new Window.
Hrafnar Árgeir

Greetings to all!

May this quick message find you all in the best of health and spirits!! So:

I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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Psychonaut: latitude 0° Open in new Window. (18+)
Cancer. Medical greed. A Space trip, seeking for the void, and for what's left of life

Please Give it a gander! Thank you dearly!!

Hrafnar Árgeir
Greetings to all! May my humble salutation find you all in good health! New chapter:

Chapter #2 Just A Routine Spacewalk

please check it out!!
Hrafnar Árgeir

Greetings my fellow writers, please check it out!! I have the feeling it's pretty much done! Thanks!!

I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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A Dire Poppy  Open in new Window. (E)
A poem written after the passing of my mother.

Hrafnar Árgeir

Gave it a bit of a tweak!! Have a look see!! jejej

Hrafnar Árgeir

I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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CLEARLY ESTRANGED Open in new Window. (E)
POEM on one sided love. Moment, I realize our love is over.
New entry for Psychonaut: latitude 0° #2327260

Chapter # 1. Lost SET - 182

So, please check it out!!


Hrafnar Árgeir
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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CLEARLY ESTRANGED Open in new Window. (E)
POEM on one sided love. Moment, I realize our love is over.

I think it's almost done!!
I've just edited an item in my portfolio: "Psychonaut: latitude 0°Open in new Window.

I'm amazed how things begin to come together so, don´t be shy and give it a look see!!!!


Hrafnar Árgeir
         My Stepdad, Gene, used to put campers on pickups, and mobile homes. A real blue-collar handyman. One frosty morning, I don't remember why, he just hauled me off to work with him. Although I doubt, my mom explained it clearly enough, "Mike gets bored, Mike, has little regard for his own safety. Michael is accident prone!"
         Then at some point, I just ran out of places to staple. Mind you we´re in a workshop. Yes, my stapler didn´t come from someone´s desk. I had a huge pneumatic staple gun!
         Stepdad stopped watching my feral tush as soon as we got there. To tell the truth, besides "Stay the hell out of trouble! Ok kiddo!". My dumb ass, for some reason, has always had some kind a death wish, a pact, I desired with all my 6-year-old self, the life of a dare devil. No matter how mad I made my mother, every time I insisted to her, I wanted to be a Stuntman.
         Yeah, no one suspected a thing! When I settled down in a nice corner, where I was conveniently out of sight. Then, I proceeded to perform my solo stunt / "What Would Happens If I...", by: Stapling my chest!
         Naturally, the first staple test run, of course I did it twice. Equilibrium was a destressing issue for me at 6 years of age for some reason. Na, I really didn't feel the first one, when it actually went off! I mean, geese, I was just another feral kid, and I was a difficult kid to be truthful. I do not know why, it seemed natural to do it again.
         In a kind of stupor, for the first time I saw fear in the eyes of the gentleman who called me Buddy and Son, I realized, even though he was a dick most of the time, he cared. Might be hard to see, from outside, much less hardships, the struggles, desires perhaps...
         I realized, that was the way that real men, truly care. They're so entangled in the frey, constantly engaged, decided to give themselves in the fight of mundane existence, clothe us. I realize this with age.
         Once the needle scare was over, yes, the staples didn't impress me as much as the Tetanus shot! I came to the conclusion that, what happened, it was simply inevitable. Since I was a kid, I've always been "thorough"; a deranging boredom, became the perfect storm as they happened to join my little regard for my own wellbeing. So, I made sure to take my t-shirt off, so I don't get killed later by mom.
Hrafnar Árgeir

  •   1 comment
Ah... never dirty or tear your good clothes nor make them bloody... I wasn't the dare devil. I missed out of a lot.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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Deshilachándome de a Poco Open in new Window. (E)
Un lapso de razón en una relacion agonizante y poco correspondido.
let me know if you have observations Thank you sincerely!


Hrafnar Árgeir

An Introduction #1077064}

Spiffing it up!

From : Psychonaut: latitude 0° #2327260
I really like this. Me gusta *Hearto*.
Kåre เลียม Enga Author Icon - Que gusto mi querida Amiga!! ¡Me alegra que te guste!
Cheers! Check "Psychonaut" out if you have a bit of extra time.

Un gusto tener ese intercambio,
Sin mas que decir...


Hrafnar Árgeir
Hi!! A little luv for "CLEARLY ESTRANGED"
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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CLEARLY ESTRANGED Open in new Window. (E)
POEM on one sided love. Moment, I realize our love is over.
Check it out! I included a footnote that makes things clear!!


Hrafnar Árgeir

I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
Image Protector
CLEARLY ESTRANGED Open in new Window. (E)
POEM on one sided love. Moment, I realize our love is over.
Greetings!! I hope this title fits a bit better!!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mike0s