Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mickeyknight
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
To anyone out there who is interested in my Furries from Space interactive, here is an idea for a storyline that I'd like someone to start:

You're a member of a secret cult that knows of the existence of a race of alien anthros. Once every five years, the aliens come to Earth, and a cult member is selected for the aliens to take with them.
I'm looking for new writers to add chapters to my Furries from Space interactive. I would greatly appreciate it if someone new would add some good chapters.

Here's a link to the story: https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1762944-Furries-from-Spac...

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To anyone out there who is a fan of my book, Lone Wolf, I am suffering from serious writers block in creating the next chapter.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone would be willing give me some ideas for Chapter 4 (who the target is, where the hit takes place, motivations for the hit, etc.).
Post a link for us...
To any fellow writers out there.

I've been suffering from a particularly rough case of writers block for a while. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them.
That always sucks! See the 11 comments on my bad day a couple of days ago. You might find a few ideas useful. See "Note: I think I am losing it. *Headbang* Two days ..." Good luck!
My ideas are here:
"20240518 Overcoming Writer's BlockOpen in new Window.
Here’s my Furries from Space interactive.

Furries from Space Open in new Window. [18+]
Alien furries have come to Earth to take you with them. What adventures await you?
by Nick Knight Author Icon

Feel free to add some chapters.

Here’s an idea for a storyline:

You’re a member of a secret cult that knows of the existence of aliens that resemble anthropomorphic animals. Once every 10 years, the aliens come to Earth, and the cult selects a member for the aliens to take with them.

If there are any writers out there that are into the furry fandom, I recommend you take a look at my "Furries from Space" interactive story.

Furries from Space Open in new Window. (18+)
Alien furries have come to Earth to take you with them. What adventures await you?
#1762944 by Nick Knight Author IconMail Icon
I’ve got a close friend on this website, goes by the name of evil dude. He has a basic membership that expires on October 28th. I’d appreciate it if someone would help him extend his membership.
give me a link to his username. make it easy on me and I'll see what I can do.
Nick Knight Author Icon - done

I have a friend on this website, goes by the username, evil dude. He has a basic membership which expires on October 28th. I'm sure he would appreciate it if someone would help renew his basic membership for him.
I need writers to add chapters to my Furries from Space interactive. Please feel free to add some chapters of your own.

Here's a link:
I have a close friend on this site, named evil dude, who hasn’t been online since July. I would appreciate it if someone could help me find out if he’s OK.

Also, his Basic Membership expires this October. I’d also appreciate it if someone would help renew his membership.
I've got a close friend on this site, goes by the username evil dude. His Basic membership expires on October 28th. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could renew his membership.

A close friend on this site, named evil dude, hasn’t been online for a while. I’d appreciate it if someone could reach out to him and help him get back online.

Also, his Basic Membership will expire on October 28th. I hope someone could renew his Membership for him.
To anyone who has read my Furries from Space interactive, here's an idea for a storyline that I would like someone to start:

You're a member of a secret cult that knows of the existence of aliens that resemble anhomomorphic animals. Every ten years, the aliens come to Earth to take a human with them. The cult selects a member to be taken by the aliens, and you end up being the one chosen.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mickeyknight