Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mesonali
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Congratulations on being a *Quill*Quill Finalist*Quill* for "The Rose Upon the Rubbish HeapOpen in new Window.. Way to go! *Clap*

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Still no internet.
Anyway yesterday evening I went for a drum jam and enjoyed
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Sometimes no internet can be a blessing in disguise. Maybe not for days at a time though. Glad you can check in on your phone though. *Bigsmile*
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Internet is down on the computer so I am dictating to my smartphone.
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Whenever I can, I dictate to my Iphone. I never did learn flying thumbs and fingers to write. My pronunciation has to be precise, and I have to proofread the message before sending it. No dictation here, though. I'm not sure I could think out loud when I write reviews.
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Today I got to see the animation on my phone for the first time and I must say it looks cool here as well.jm
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Sorry I seem to have typed some extra characters there while posting.
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This is by a friend of mine!

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*FishO* Did everyone sea today's animation? *FishG*
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🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon - When you do all five tasks for the day:
1. Log On 2. Review 3. Forum Post 4. Newsfeed post / comment 5. Blog post / comment
On the left of your screen it'll say YOU DID IT and you click that.
Can't believe my boyfriend has missed the fun so far.
THANKFUL SONAL shall catch up! Author Icon - Review? What's that? *Laugh*
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🌖 HuntersMoon Author Icon - You know, when you tell someone your opinion of their opinion ...
And - no review, no animations! *Smirk2*
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Thanks, Anon, for the review credits! *Smile*
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A quick video to explain cricket, especially for Purple Catching Up Author Icon, who sent me a review of my cricket-based poem recently, and iKïyå§ama Author Icon, who had long ago mentioned she didn't understand the game!

...maybe I've not had my coffee yet this morning, but whoa...still a wee bit confused. No worries though! Someday, it will all sink in. *Laugh* Thanks for the link!
Well, I'm not ready for a full day of it yet, but at least now I understand more than I did. Thank you! *Heart*
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I was looking through my trinket collection and realised that these two by The StoryMaster Author Icon is still available!

Thanks for sharing
Thank you.
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Ichabod Crane-writing-reading. Author Icon - They're by StoryMaster, I just shared them, in case people needed to collect them! *Smile*
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India Beat New Zealand in Cricket to win the final!
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*Greetl* Look what I got! *Greetr*


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Ichabod Crane-writing-reading. Author Icon - Does it work that way on the smartphone, too
THANKFUL SONAL shall catch up! Author Icon - The Operating System determines that. I think Android will do the same, but don't quote me.
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Look at SM's note, Look, Look!

"Note: Beta Release... I'm experimenting with a s..."
I like the look of it. We'll see.
*gasp* I just discovered the checkmarks a few days ago and it was wonderful. *Mindblown*

This is amazing!
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*Greetl* Congratulations *Greetr*

to the *Starstruck* winners *Starstruck* of

"Dear Me: Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.
Yes! Congratulations!!!!! 😎
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CongratMOOlations!!! *Cow**Balloonp*
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Dad and I are with glasses on.
That's my maternal Grandpa, and my maternal uncle (Mom's sister's husband). The other kids are cousins from Mom's side. I'm the oldest of nine cousins on Mom's side.

Oh. It's been forever since I created a poll. I have a few neglected ones in my port. Thanks for the explanation. *Smile*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mesonali