Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mcsucher13
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Who knew? Lots of talk about Preppers, I have been one most of my life! Not because I fear the end of the world but because that just what country folk do.. We stock up, store and squirrel away food and supplies, having no appreciation for waste; frugality is a way of life. Home made soap, of course! Canning the bounty of our gardens, hunting fishing smoking meats.. Scraps of cloth find new life in quilts rugs and patches for clothes. Herbs, Poultices, tinctures, st itching up family or animal.
Work is keeping me so busy I hardly have time to take do more than the basic personal necessities.. **sigh** 80+ hours a week is kicking my posterior! LOL Writing on napkins during lunch just wish it was something other than to do list.
Gonna spend a little time here tonight, as I miss my the writings of my fav. authors.
Working 70 to 84 hours week doesn't leave much time to accomplish a great deal.. Who knew that eating sleeping and showering could take up so much time in a day?! What time I have off on the week end is usually spent catching up with those tedious tasks of shopping, paying bills, doing laundry, and cleaning a home I rarely see? LOL It's a darn good thing I didn't have a life before I started this job I might actually miss it! **GRIN** Oh did I mention I love the job?! Please be patient with me.
Have just been diagnosed with De Quervain's Disease.. It's quite painful and makes daily activities awkward at best. Take care of your hands... You never really know how limited you can be until you lose the use of one or both. Mine is going to require surgery it seems. Even with splints typing is painful so I will be limited in my time here until after the first of the year. :o(
SO SORRY. I've worried for decades that arthritis would steal my hands from use, fortunately I can still type. I wish you WELL. ann
A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.

Herb Caen
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mcsucher13