auger augur auk orc aural oral away aweigh oar or ore axel axle aye eye I bail bale bait bate baize bays bald bawled ball boll band banned bard barred bare bear bark barque baron barren base bass bay bazaar bizarre bear bee beach beech bean been beat beet beau bow beer bier bell belle berry bury berth birth bight bite byte billed build bitten bittern blew blue bloc block dew due die dye |
Directions: Record the part of speech, definition and write a sentence for each word listed. DO ATTEMPT TO COPY/PASTE a sentence! If you cannot find the word, list the resource tool that you used and tell why you think the word cannot be found. Accessary Part of Speech: accessory ad add ail ale air heir aisle I'll isle all awl allowed aloud alms arms altar alter arc ark aren't aunt ate eight |