I also write fan fiction for a WONDERFUL site called The Gaslight Hotel. If youve ever seen "Gladiator" or "LA Confidential" or even a little western called "The Quick and the Dead," then the actor Russell Crowe and his body of work will be familiar to you. We try to update as often as possible, although some of our stories are rather long and complicated. Please check us out! www.gaslighthotel.net |
I wanted to make sure you were given a very warm welcome to Writing.Com! I hope you're settling in okay. Have you gotten a chance to look around and check things out yet? Once you do, I know you'll find our wonderful community to be everything you've expected it to be and so much more! As testament to that, I've been here for almost 15 years! If you ever have any questions, please just ask! I'm glad you're with us! ~ Jeremy P.S. Here are some really helpful links to help you navigate our community! "The New Members Directory" |
As long as you filled out the "Invalid Item" , you're all good! I look forward to interacting and writing with you :D |
I did indeed :D do you know how long it will take to approve? |
I'm sure Matt our leader will add you as soon as possible :) |