I wanted to drop in and welcome you warmly to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" ![]() ![]() |
today I feel so low . the dream I had didn't help matters. I haven't written for about a week so I decided to write today. this does clear the cobwevs a lot.the dream did have an impact of sorts. With me being 71, single, alone etc. I am set in my ways that person saiud, but I know I can change. we as humans have that capability of changing. If you don't like what you are doing Change it!! thats what I have heard for so very long! ok so being alone, you change it, get out of my little square, go to a museum, library or visit someone! being alone I guess is also a choice. the remainder of whats left of my life, I want to have prurpose, be creative, help others, be useful is a good one, productive. so this next week I am going to do my best to change my "attitude" Change things. You can make a difference – once you stop dismissing yourself. Approach challenges with the mindset of “how am I going to accomplish this?” instead of “what can I possibly do?”. But if you’re not actually going to work to to change something, then see the point above. Time to put up or shut up. the last paragraph was from a motivational speaker note a smile, a kind word , a deed, just something to change me or the world! yeah now I feel better. |
Me and my dog took a walk through some woods the other day. Hearing a commotion , I walked toward the noise. two birds were fighting over something, maybe a piece of food, when I got closer, course JJ started barking and he was trying to go after it or them( a chwahwah). amyway, I saw these two birds attacking this tiny creature not a piece of food. this little creature was fighting for its life. I raised my hands toeward it and it fell into my hands. Course my dog wanted to go after it,and I stopped him form injuring this creature, no bigger than my thumb, the wings were so fine almost colorless. slowly flapping its injured wings ready to take flight. No matter hoe injured it was. But I looked down at it(maybe her) and I smiled. the creature seemed like it could trust me, a human! she steeled in my hand ,wrapped her wings around herself and stayed still. Her wing was really shredded. My thought to take her to a vet, maybe, only alternative here. Which I did. He was surprised at my "pet" if you will, . He examined the wing, put some ointment on the wing, and told me, don't get attached, she needs to go back where se came from. this will heal in a few days. The few days this little creature healed nicely the thoughts, ideas, dreams I had were outstanding, thinking of what a farie would be like. I felt so different while she was here. The few days came & gone, no words spoken, but with a little hug, a small peck, she flew away. Wonder if thats the ending? |
I am glad there are people like you. I love animals and want to save them all and help them. Your bird friend may come back to visit you. Bless you. |
[Introduction] Strolling on the beach early one summer day I felt so calm, listening to the cry of seagulls, scent of the fresh salty air. the breeze felt so good after the cold snap we had here in NC Something drew my attention to the rocks near the water.I heard a small cry, like flowing waters. I saw a creature on the rock sunning themselves. The the creature turned toward me, looked at me just for a few seconds. Her voice so quiet like flowing water over rocks. It sounded as if she was crying for help. Her beauty was exquisite! the creamy skin us women envy, her hair flowed to her waist, a greenish shimmering look, her eyes were not green but that bluish look, one that looks right through you!. But there it was in a flash she was gone, I couldn't get her out of my mind, like a melody you hear and doesn't go away. But why did she choose me? It took a few minutes for me to realize what I saw, a mythical mermaid.Wow! me? would anyone believe me if I told them I just seen a mermaid? no guess not. For a while I let the sight sink in the back of my head. Somehow this is not the last I see or hear of this mythical creature. this is the story. |
I took my CHIwawah to the vet today for follow up had some shots nails clipped. well, come to find out he was accidentally given a shot for "cat leukaemia" the doctor apologized. I laughed about it, hey the writer in me, cat leukemia> dog going to turn into a cat? anyway, they gave him benedril to calm him down. what was so funny, when I went to the desk to pay what was owed. I heard a cat! at the time my dog was at my feet on a leash. I didn't notice the lady sitting with the carrier and a cat in it, again I laughed. thinking my dog turning into a cat! and a good thing I was charged half of what I owe due to their mistake. um dog didn't turn into cat. |
Korean & American dramas the table manners are horrible, stuffing their faces while eating. what about the passing gas, using the bathroom oh yeah burping, drinking to the excess? sure some countries say that's approval, and what about picking their teeth, oh the picking the nose too(black grim reaper) and why is it always the woman thats dirt poor? or and excuses me for this one a dumb blonde mentallity, I was a blonde ,ok? Boys ove flowers, heirs was one of my pet peeves, bullying?? come on, and we Americans are trying to prevent that. the Koreans put women down like they did hundreds of years ago, rephrase that, Asians, so yes the bad with the good, we can see it all everywhere. us Americans aren't any better, race comes to mind. and yes women are put down too we are working on the bully issue, so we can see the bad with the good. offensive in most part but in each case, we can learn from it too. yes we ALL need to grow up! pay attention what we are doing to our fellowman/woman. egads, where did this come from?? I still say they are fresher & cleaner if we take some of this stuff with a grain of salt, be it bad or good. so I got some of the ugly stuff too on here, and in my earlier note still stands. some American shows should be thrown out, some Asian shows (whatcha wearing, for one) thrown out. soft porn disguised what happened to those ratings stuff anyway or they arent keeping in the limits. the four letter words, some of these people college educated and they have to use guttural words? so yeah we can pick & choose, good or bad etc. the Koreans(if you will) they do have heartwarming stories, the cancer victims, the little girl with the rare disease, the Good Doctor both Korean and American, the marriage contract, can I name that many American dramas? not really and this is just a few for Korean/Asian dramas and movies. , I am not bashing you. I honestly do agree with you. the one that really definitely about turned me off these dramas is Whatcha wearing. a bit of porn disguised. sorry, this was so long!!! I have a couple for American; the star trek serise, all of them, blacklist, I think that was called, magnum pi maybe, dr quency, Marcus welaby, so there may be more, I just can't think os the names right now. |
[Introduction] So here I am again, another year has passed by, and not gotten anywhere with the writing I wanted to get done. I don't know why I put off writing lately. Got ideas for stories, but from the grey cells to the paper or computer is the problem. I do have the time, and I can write. I guess the excuses come up. Why do you want to write, who said you can write, would anyone read what you have written. I am sure you also have been through that. what can I do to get myself motivated? join a club, no I don't think so, join a group of writers, critique group. What I really need is that motivation, a story to write an inspiration something that will grab you by the jugular vein and write about it! again am I good enough, am I fooling myself? goals, goals, goals, ok another year coming up, what about setting a goal, a small one how about be creative with this? write about a character, describe them. how about an outline of the story? hmmm sounds good. the journey starts with a step. ok, one step at a time. write write write. Being useful, productive. I have 3 wishes what will I do with them? First is organization. How can I serve. What can I do to improve, How can I help others. The main question is not look to myself but to others. Remember, find a need and fill it. I have wanted to write to inspire uplift others. I can do that, even if its on Facebook. Just write articles. Just those little things , remember it’s the small things, sand in the cog stops it. So what can I do to be inspirational, uplifting, motivational, give of myself. Would it be useful, would anyone read it, well I won’t know till I do it. The words “just do it!” Comes to mind. Next is motivation, How, maybe a journal? Whats my trigger? Find a picture Write about it? Maybe write something about my hobbies, one is crochet, the proverbial worry knot.s Explain about them then write a story, what about genealogy. Oh the stories that could be told! The one about the gggreat grand mother , recently widowed, and traveled say about 500miles to another state, with 5 children under 15. And find info about women traveling in 1870’s what they went through and all. So much more Uplift, inspire, motivate. That’s my 3 wishes |
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
12 years? Wow! That's fantastic ... and to think, if it wasn't for Angus I'd have never found you! I'm not sure if that's good or bad ... it does tell me you attract bad people ![]() ![]() HAPPY ACCOUNT BIRTHDAY! ![]() ![]() |
people often think that being a widow is a good thing, not really sure there are times when I feel so alone just can't stand it, just have some one near you can at least talk to, a cat and dog just doesn't do it. I watch too many Korean dramas. yeah get out and meet people, so frustrating sometimes, the younger ones don't have respect for others and the older ones(like me) they have their own stories. so here is what I have done, get involved with what I enjoy sewing, crochet, quilt, bake, research genealogy read & study the bible, and yes write, being that I am older I have decided to get back into writing, and maybe have some published. I do love a good mystery. so any help, thoughts, ideas, to help a senior citizen will be grateful to me. Oh being a widow is often a lonely time, but it also can be fulfilling if you/I look in the right places even if driving at night is it, then so be it.Joining groups may be good, but some say be cautious of what and where you go. I want to get involved with life get motivated, help others, be creative, do my research on those family trees, research Atlantis, why do I want to write, crochet it ,well, not as fulfilling as it used to be neither sewing or quilting. I am still young at heart, and I want to be useful and productive. make a mark in this world if you will. I am not able to get around like I used to do. I am not 16 but 70 and I have to realize that. Can't do things like I used to do, I am slowing down. Love to garden, but now weeds are taking over, I do try but just doesn't get anywhere. meet people, get involved with life, find someone that's lonely, man, so much to do and plenty of time to do it. oh, and to ask someone for help, they are too busy don't have time etc. even the sons say that too. so what does one do? and when I ask they look at me if I asked something terrible. so if I don't do it, it doesn't get done. yeah being a widow has a lot of fall backs, depression comes in too sometimes, because of being lonely, no one to talk to oh yeah just found out; writing helps take that depression away, gets me out of myself.overcome stress.write what you know, would you read the how to on crochet or sewing or quilting. how about genealogy or baking or planting flowers? |