Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/maia987
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Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
Happy anniversary 🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*Balloonr* *Quill* *Balloono* Happy WdC Anniversary, Xiea! *Balloono* *Quill* *Balloonr*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*
*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Balloono* Happy Anniversary, Xiea! *Balloono* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*

Happy anniversary
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

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Xiea  Author Icon
Image Protector
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Balloono* Happy 3rd WDC Anniversary, Xiea! *Balloono* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*
Happy anniversary
*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *BalloonG* Happy 2nd WdC Anniversary, Xiea! *BalloonG* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*
Happy Second Writing.Com account anniversary!

see above.

Happy 2nd!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV* *Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV*
Hi hun, you alright. I am glad you are back as well although, I think we should knock the HP contest on the head this year lol. Maybe do it next year instead, if you are up for it. I was going to do it on my own but then I got ill and am overflowing with review requests lol. by the time I got my act together it was too late. Take care and talk soon. *BigSmile*
Xiea  Author Icon
Hey everyone! I'm back after an unintentionally long break... Last two months were swamped. Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do... But I've really missed the WdC community and am excited to join back. *Bigsmile*

Thank you everyone who sent me MBs and most of all, Thanks Schnujo's Giving Away GPs! When I logged back in, I saw many MBs in my inbox from completing "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window. last year and that was quite a pleasant start to my day. *InLove2*

Also, I'm reopening "The RAOK Raffle!Open in new Window. Thank you for nominating this raffle for the 2020 Quill Awards! I'm truly honored! *Heart*

I'm really excited to join back! Let's see what's in store for me! *Martian*
So nice to see you! *Smile*
Yay! It’s good to see you back!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/maia987