Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mad_man
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Here's to another (almost) 10 years between notes! Hope you've been well.

Happy 21st WDC Anniversary, MadMan at Large Author Icon!

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

"Note: Have you claimed your [Image #697791] ? ?..."
Thank you Legerdemain Author IconMail Icon for plugging my story in The Great Outdoors newsletter! I appreciate it *Smile*
*Flowerb* Hey, Maddy! Happy WDC Birthday!!! *Flowerb*

Stay sane.
I love your bio pix. You can paint! Love the turtle! *Heart*
Thank you!!!
You've started well in the beginning. May the end of the challenge find you working just as hard to complete what you started. Keep writing and thank you for sharing. *PenO* *Notepad*
I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year, and since I'm making the effort, I thought I might as well get involved in a group with it! So, I am now actively searching for a generous sponsor! I need someone to pledge one GP for every word I write on my novel, with the target goal being 50,000 words/GP's. You don't have to cover the whole thing yourself; if you'd rather do 5k or 10k GP's, that's great too! This is a fundraiser for a variety of groups here on WDC, so your GP's will be going to a good cause! Please pledge your support at "Write-A-Thon Sponsor Sign-Up FormOpen in new Window. [E] for my participation in
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NaNoWriMo Write-A-Thon Open in new Window. (ASR)
A NaNoWriMo fundraiser... compete as a NaNo writer or donate by sponsoring one!
#1546312 by Jeff Author IconMail Icon
Happy anniversary MM, seven years on WDC. *Music2**Grasshopper*
Thank you! It's actually 13 years, but thank you just the same *Smile*
Oops! Sorry. *Facepalm*
Happy 7th WDC birthday!
Justin--sooooo envious that you're one of those talented people who can write music! :) I'm still writing, plugging away. Good to hear from you.
Yo, Justin! How ya been??

--Wendopolis (Organic Gardening Girl)
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mad_man