IMPORTANT NOTICE: So they're scrapping A Level Creative Writing and I'm furious about it. Writing is an art, a talent, a release. Not only does it enhance vocabulary and someone's knowledge on literature and language but it helps people find themselves and explore feelings in a new way. Please please help me prevent the banning of this A Level. It helped me through many things and I believe it can help many other's too. Have a read of the link and sign the petition below if you agree. I can't explain how important this is to me. Help a girl out? |
I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG! I've been so busy moving home, I almost forgot to write! I'm working on a really long project at the moment. I've never written a story before and this is my first attempt so far! Please please let me know what you think! Here's CHAPTER 1 to A speechless kind of affection
These are the most recent pieces added to my portfolio. Check them out!
Hey! I added a Poem to my Portfolio. Go check it out :)
I haven't posted in months - I'm sorry. I'm writing something new and it's proving to be difficult. Go check out my older pieces in the mean time?!
Hey! I've edited a piece of writing in my portfolio! Go check it out...
Hey I just added a cute, little poem to my portfolio! Go check it out!
I added a new item to my portfolio! However, if you're in a good mood, this may spoil it! I'm not this negative in person I promise! Give it a read :)
Hey! If anyone's looking for a long or emotional read, I just posted my A level creative writing coursework from last year. I haven't edited it recently but will do in the near future. Enjoy! Please not: My mum cried at this...
Hey! Super excited to use this - but I have no idea what I'm doing. Help a girl out? What are the points for and how do you use them? How do I gain points in order to request a review? |
You're welcome. "Writing.Com 101" ![]() ![]() |
Also...! I just added my first piece of writing and I'd love for anyone/everyone's feed back. It's only short and I'm not even sure on it's form! Opinions are welcome :) "A note to self:" ![]() |
Writing Contests on Writing.Com are posted here.
#171898 by Writing.Com Support
also, if you look in the left side navigational menu you'll see browse by type. Click to it and then click to forums. You'll get to see plenty of other contests, activities and forums of all sorts that you might be interested to join at some point, gain prizes, friends and attract viewers to your portfolio by participating in some activities you find suitable to you.
I'm also linking to you a group for teens only, since I saw you're pretty young, so you can check them out and consider to join
A group for the teenagers here on WDC.
#2000002 by GERVIC