I recently had a breakup , and m not getting over it, m trying from a month. |
Breakups SUCK. They're miserable. You feel like you're missing a piece of yourself. I totally get it. BUT I don't know the scenario of who left who or why but regardless... sometimes It's meant to be that way. Honestly. Sometimes were truly better off without the other person. Also, maybe you really don't believe that. You don't know what you could be missing out on if life while you're hung up on this person who you're not destined to be with. You may be at the mall in your own head upset about this person [or home sulking - even worse] when your soul mate is in front of you and you don't "see" them because of this. Allow yourself to let go and experience life. Distract yourself too. If you're just watching romantic films and reading love stories while going out with your friends who happen to be couples, that won't help either. Try something new. Do yoga if you've never tried it. Exercise. Do things that are healthy for you and will keep you busy. Join groups on meetup.com that's an amazing site with great groups and opportunities for meeting new people and experiencing new hobbies. I use the site and I never even meet up with the people on it but I join the groups and then just use it as an opportunity to find events, activities, and things going on around the area. |
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