Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/lordlupin
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I'm confused about whether i'm excited or not about four days of boardgames, meeting designers and testing out new games and promos. In the front it is absolutely something to look forward to, but on the backside I dont feel well enough to surround myself with so many people for so many days.

and in the middle of november of all things :D baad timing for nano right? ....cause i still do that right?...

*runs away in shame*
If i stop creating, do i simply cease to be?
If no one reads, have i ever created anything in the first place?
Is a discarded creation still a creation? or just garbage?
If no one knows me, have I ever existed?

Would it all matter?

...do I even care?
How can life move toward getting better and brighter, while the depression just stays buried inside?
How is it possible that my life is getting better, while all i feel is more pain?
How is it Logical that improvement leads to a stonger feeling of failure?
Wow.....I won a cramp.
Okay, lets try this again. *Reading*
I'm back, and actually wrote this time. Dont expect much though. these highs dont last long, but at least i've went as far as getting back on basic membership. *Rolleyes*
sigh....almost a year of nothing, and just pure dryness of the mind, but still i slink back here with nothing to add...
I have revived my blog, and with hope it will be less hateful this time. I have no effort to find a thing to hate every week. So it'll just be a post of annoyance *Wink*
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hmm, as long as you intend NOT to annoy me it's all good, *Bigsmile*
no promises
"Smiles and watches as you run through the grass." :)
Boo!!!!!! wow the notebooks have been quiet lately.... Huggles you.
hi! *superglomp*
meep *ish superglomped*
*Squishyhugs for extra huggy measure*
Meep! *Shock* *hides*
Pulls you out of hiding.....
Du gjør smile meg, gjør du meg til å gråte, gjør du vil ha meg til å danse og synge. Du gir håp meg når håp er borte, Tror du på meg, i oss. Gjennom tid og avstand vår kjærlighet har vokst seg sterkere, og du min kjærlighet er grunnen til at jeg er den jeg er.
Jeg elsker deg ... min herre lupin
Du er min lysende stjerne når alt annet har falmet bort. Du er mitt håp, mitt ønske, min drøm. Mitt alt.
Og jeg elsker deg, kjære Lutzie.

Du er mitt håp, som holder meg oppe i mørke dager. Min evig elskede amerikaner.
"smiles and watches jannie beg lupin to review..... *Laugh* goes back to reviewing....*Reading* *Pencil*
*BigSmile* yes... yes ... i do I love it when someone else besides me gives him a hard time... makes me feel much less guilty.... NOT!!!!!*Laugh* *PawPrints* *PawPrints* *PawPrints* *PawPrints*
I thought i was the one giving Jannie a hard time here. I bets it's not a load of fun trying to convince me to do stuff....
ohhh it's a joy to try and convince you to do thing's you don't want to do heheheh.... *Lemon*
Hi hug's you.....
"sneaks in and steal's your tea *CoffeeR* ......"
hehehe races around the room...... *PawPrints* *PawPrints* *PawPrints* *PawPrints*
heyheyheeey....that tea is hot! be careful! *runs after to stop you from hurting yourself*
fine set tea down and runs away from you........ *PawPrints* *PawPrints* *PawPrints* *PawPrints*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/lordlupin