Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/linnann
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had the hand surgery, wanted some distraction from the pain
My hand surgery is tomorrow. How am I supposed to arrange transportation if they still haven't and won't have me scheduled until 4 oclock? They want me to have transportation and caregiver help but just seem to thing we can make any old call and get someone to just be here for 24 hours!!!
It must be warmer outside. In the dining room it's 60 Degrees and I'm not freezing!!!
Up from the nap. The church couple brought my medicine home. I'm deciding on what to eat for dinner. It's 4 pm, I miss Eugene. There was a lot of good in that man. I loved it when he held me. the snoring wasn't that great, but the hugs were wonderful.

Maybe I'll go back to sleep???
came home from hospital. No meds, pharmacy closed. Asked God to bless me to know if I should go to church and help me get up to go....I woke up 50 minutes later. I went in my snowman pajamas to collect newsletters to send out to inactive sisters. Sat next to a new person in the back row. I could not sing the right notes. lol After Sacrament I got the news letters and left. Someone offered to get my meds at the pharmacy. I found out one of the sisters I write had died yesterday. I'm glad I sent her monthly letters. I came home, had breakfast at 11:30 and am now going back to bed. Have a wonderful day/week.
My husband had totaled my heart. I'm trying to go back to writing but it's so hard.
THe woman that wanted to work finally showed up at around 4:30. Her husband came within an half hour. She got dishes done and we went to walmart to get painting stuff. Even though I'd rolled up the paint roller and brush in lots of plastic wrap, they'd both dried hard as rocks. Her husband mowed the lawn. Some other guy put the doorknob back together on the back glass door. So SOMETHINGS got worked on today.
Soldier_Mike Author Icon - They haven't shown up for today and it's noon in ten minutes!! So frustrating!! I called them three times yesterday but they never answered. They didn't get paid yet. I need someone I can depend on!!
Humble Poet PNG in green Author Icon - They aren't here today to finish or to even get paid for the work they did yesterday.
THe hispanic husband showed up at around 1 pm. So at least outside work gets worked on. I need lower priced help that is dependable.
The Drs, office squeezed me in after the office Bozo cancelled my appointment. I'd waited three months for that appointment. sigh. I need two surgeries. He worked me in and next monday I'll go to the clinic he does for a different reason.

I need my left hand surgery and my right hip. More time in a stupid nursing home. They don't do vegetables or fruit. sigh The last time they gave me a HUGE plate of spaghetti pasta and a teeny tiny amount of sauce. I had to walk it to the kitchen and tell them I'm diabetic. LESS pasta and lots more sauce. Someone from church brought me a box of cereal. The nursing home wouldn't even give me a glass of milk.

I'll have to be there a few days. I have no caregiver anymore. my last surgery I got a letter stating I couldn't get the care, so my caregiver helped me to escape. We went to an Italian restaurant and had wonderful food. lol I have no caregiver this time. lol
I’m so sorry, LinnAnn. I have no words. Sad situation.
Jay O'Toole Author Icon - I will at least stick up for myself. IF they do not feed me appropriately, I'll call the state and report them. This time I"ll take food with me, and my own cereal. lol Then I'll threaten so I can get milk for it. roflol
I bought new shoes and they guy fit them wrong. The right foot is what he worked on trimming and it's the left foot that needed the work. I can't find the phone number, and I can't remember how many months or years until he comes back. sigh
Happy birthday Linnann
Happy birthday
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I treated myself to some fries and cheese at Taco Bell for my birthday and got something else to bring home for later. Not one of my kids has called to tell me Happy Birthday. I'm glad I have friends that care!
Happy birthday!
I hope they call later! But until then...

Oh dear, I forgot to leave a note for you, LinnAnn. Happy birthday and many happy returns *Heartv*
Love and blessings
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/linnann