I haven't been on here since October 2024 when Tampa was hit by the two hurricanes. As a school district employee I know that there was always a chance that one day. Our area would get hit. I am used to working through a hurricane or two with the possibility of my school becoming a shelter. What I wasn't prepared for was that this time my family and I would be one of those families that got affected. We've been out of our home since October 7th the day after my birthday. Up to this day, we are still not home. Still waiting to feel back to normal, but what is normal anymore. So here I am after months in hiatus. I decided today that it is the day for me to come back. Looking for some inspiration. Through my writing, my hope that coming back here will give me that sense of security I lost in October 2024. |
I am so sorrybyou were so affected by the storms. Maybe try writing about it in your blog etc. Hope things get better for you soon. |
I understand what it's like to be displaced, I was for just shy of a year back in 2021 due to a roof collapse and resulting flood. All worked out in the end though and normal was restored, well as normal as normal can be! Best of luck to you. |
You may have lost a lot but it sounds like your family made it through safely. Count it as a blessing just like we are glad to still have you. |
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
I've just edited an item in my portfolio: