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Happy birthday! May all your words you write be filled with many blessings.
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Thank you! And whoa it has been a long time! So great to hear from you. Thank you for remembering my birthday.
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

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Happy eighth WDC anniversary Alexis Kaye, and hoping that you are fully recovered from the car accident.
Prayers have gone up for you. Have a special day. *Heart*


Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Hey everyone, sorry I have not been around. I was hit by a car last Tuesday (December 12th), and in hospital til Friday then in a different hospital in the ER for 10 hours after being discharged prematurely and got thoroughly examined in my eyes, with a CT-Scan and she even looked in both my ears. She also prescribed pain meds and anti-nausea meds and gave me a walker, which I use for balance. Saturday I overdid it getting 5 prescriptions and groceries from Walmart so yesterday (Sunday) I rested as best as I could. If anyone has any questions they can ask me privately. I hope no one has had any trouble opening my latest document addition to my portfolio. If anyone has, please let me know... although if you cannot open a word document then I do not know of a workable solution to the problem. :( Prayers would be appreciated. Thanks...
Elle  Author Icon
Oh no! So glad you're on the mend now. Hope you're feeling fully recovered soon. *Heart*
Thanks Hanna *Hugs back* and thanks Elle too. I hope you are both having a Blessed 2018 so far, and that everyone else here is too. *Heart*
Aww, thank you. You too!
I just uploaded something I wrote less than 24 hours ago. It was at the cost of sleep at night (slept all day) and I woke up with a terrible headache and other head pain. But since my accident, thoughts have been competing in my mind to be heard and written down, so I wrote some down...and since I have many more thoughts and 3 additional writings from before my accident (I believe I posted one of them here maybe, about bullying), instead of a new edition of my current book I've decided to write a completely new one. So now I need to think of a fitting title and continue writing everything on my mind and turn it into another self-published book (unless God says otherwise and a publishing company actually takes interest in publishing it and it is what God wants). Please let me know if you have trouble reading it since it is a Word document. I wish I could keep my premium account beyond the end of the month, but I can't afford it so it will be back to the one I had before, if I can come up with the $19.99... Which I hope I can. It is expensive to get medications and other stuff needed for recovery from being hit by a car that are not prescribed by doctors (like multivitamins and ice packs and heat packs or pads). Plus I am going to Monterey for my birthday week and leave January 31st and come back the 7th of February (2 days after my birthday) which my dad is being very nice and working to come up with all the money I will need for hotel, transportation, and food for 7 days. Thanks to the 2 who sent me hugs/get well wishes. Love to all of you here, especially Storymaster!! *Heart*
Hello everyone!! I just brought my book out in paperback today! It is available at createspace.com here: https://www.createspace.com/7483987

It will be available on Amazon next week!! I still cannot believe I am a published author! Now I have it in eBook on Kindle, and on CreateSpace for eBook and for Print/paperback!!!!!! I think I mentioned this already, but I DO mention the writing.com site and the community of people here in my acknowledgements! :D Thank you again for all your help and support!
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Sorry for any inconvenience, but I found errors very early this morning when reading my book before bed and made necessary changes and submitted the updates both on KDP and on createspace. My paperback version on create space (and Amazon) will not be available until the review is done by create space then me to approve the update. The KDP one seems to have updated since I got it updated on my Kindle, so you can go to your Amazon Account ("Your Account" on Amazon) and click on "Your Content and Devices" and on Devices, scroll down to "Your Book Updates" and see if automatic updates is turned ON. If yes, no need to do a thing. If NOT then turn ON "automatic updates" and you should see the latest version of my book synced to your Kindle or Kindle app! Please forgive me! I had no one to proof or help me edit my book. I do not know how I missed the errors before now, but forgive me for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience and support! Do not forget to read my acknowledgement to you guys in my Acknowledgements section! I love you all and thank you!
Hey all, I made some adjustments to my book after that bad review I got. I was reading over my book and saw some errors. But I fixed them and updated them, and the update is available now. If anyone has the book already, syncing your Kindle or Kindle app should upload the update to your Kindle. If you haven't yet had a chance to get my book, but want to learn more about Jesus and your walk with Him, you can still get my book here! https://www.amazon.com/Live-Godly-Life-Alexis-Wright-ebook/dp/B074196VMB/ref=sr_...

My book also clarifies that Jesus/Christianity is not a religion, but a lifestyle. Jesus did not like religion either because there were too many rules. Being made right with Jesus (which I explain how in my book too) is a daily choice to have faith in Him and to follow Him and live life the way He taught us to by example when He was here on earth as man over 2,000 years ago.
Dear fellow published authors: Do any of you have advice on how to let go of bad reviews given for your book, which you poured your heart into when writing it? I just got a bad review and I am trying hard not to take it personally but it kind of stings... :( Advice or suggestions how to let it go please?
Quiltingmama, so you are saying not to worry about the bad review or let it bother me because even authors like Stephen King and RK Rowling have gotten bad reviews but their books are popular, so what one rude person says does not matter?
My opinion on the matter may or may not help you, but this is what my belief is:

Take it on the chin. Take it seriously. Think about it, mull over it, analyze it, over analyze it, use it to get better. I got a one star rating from one of the judges when I entered the official WdC contest some months back. Yes, ONE STAR! It hurt like hell, but when I thought about it, honestly, some of the points DID make sense. I learned from them and ended up winning the last one!

Negative reviews are better than no reviews. Reviewing takes effort. It takes hard work. Value reviews, especially the negative ones, because they WILL make you a better writer if you take them straight on the chin. Never ignore negative reviews. Mull over them whenever you get the time. You might be surprised at how much you end up learning!

And, not to sound rude, but pouring your heart into something does not make it good. I was reading an interview of a hotshot editor/publisher and she said that too many a times writers focus too much on the idea ONLY, thinking that the execution will take care of itself. Idea and pouring your heart into a writing is VERY IMPORTANT, no doubt, but they are not the only things that matter. The execution is the most important thing of all, and it has nothing to do with the idea!

Finally, reviewers who purposefully give negative reviews are very rare. Most of the time, people are only trying to help. It's up to us, the writers, whether we choose to accept the help offered or not!

None of my comments were meant to be rude or offending in any way. I was just being honest and, as I said earlier, giving my honest opinion with the sole aim of helping a fellow writer out. You are more than welcome to throw my opinion into the trash bin if you don't find it helpful *Bigsmile*
Sometimes you'll encounter trolls - just say "Have a nice day and a Happy (whatever Holiday's coming up). *Smile*"

Of course, if it's someone offering constructive criticism, some of the advice might be useful.
I wrote my book, https://lnkd.in/gJAx83d (and published it) to share the love of Jesus with the world. I want everyone to know Jesus loves them and how to live a life pleasing to Him and how to keep hope and faith in trials! My desire is to reach thousands or MORE of people with the #Truth about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Scripture, and God's unconditional love for everyone. Thank you to those who already have my book. If you don't, you can go get it now! I recommend reading it with your Bible or a Bible app or web site (access to Scripture) because I use Scripture to backup everything I say! God bless to everyone!

P.S. I am still trying to get used to seeing my book in the "In Print" list on here (and me as "registered author" here), and that I am now a published author! Thank You LORD! May You bless EVERYONE to know of and feel Your love for them, even during their difficult times! Draw those who do not know you or who have forgotten of your love, closer to You to come to know the loving side of You. I am thankful for those who know You and experience Your love and whom You have placed in my life - some even in this community here. I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus! Amen
*Shock2*!!!!!!! My status on here has changed to registered author!!!!!!!! O M G ! ! ! So excited can barely breathe!!!!! And I am still wrapping my mind around the fact that my book is available for purchase as an eBook at the Amazon Kindle store!!!!!!! I cannot thank all of you enough for your help, love, support, and encouragement!!!! And that is why I let everyone who will read my book know it too. :) I want to give a shout out to Ruwth for finding my book even before I registered it on here in the Author's Print List on here! :D And thanks Elle for helping me get my eBook registered on here on that list! Love all of you oodles and the LORD loves you all too!!!!!! God bless! *Heart* Hope anyone who reads my book How to Live a Godly Life: Things I've Learned in my Walk with the LORD gets something useful out of it. I want the whole world to know Jesus loves them and wants a relationship with them! And I want to encourage others when their faith is fading or shaky, which can also be found in my book (advice with Scripture). Remember everyone, Jesus loves you unconditionally!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe I actually did it!! The other evening (July 17th), I self-published my book on Amazon Direct Publish (on Kindle)!!!!! It is actually available to buy at the Kindle Store!!!!!!!! Look up - Title: How to Live a Godly Life , Subtitle: Things I Learned in My Walk With the LORD by Alexis Kaye Wright. I am not sure if links are allowed here so that is the info! Thank you to StoryMaster, StoryMistress, and to everyone else here who has been supportive and encouraging!! Love you all and could not have done it without you guys, which may or may not be in my acknowledgement section at the beginning of the book. ;) I hope it is OK, since I did not use any names specifically. Please go check it out. If anyone else here gets published, I will go check their book out. Or if anyone has been published, I will gladly go to Amazon and check it out! Thank you again everyone! You are all amazing! God Bless! *Heart*
What Elle said :)

ASIN: B074196VMB
Amazon's Price: Price N/A

Just use: {Amazon:B074196VMB}

Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement, and for helping me add my book to the author's list here! I love all of you amazing peeps! :) *Heart* God bless!!!!!
Kit  Author Icon
Happy Account Birthday, Alexis Kaye Wright Author Icon! *Delight* Hope that you are having a fantastic day, and that you will enjoy your time here for many more years to come!

Thank you for being a part of this community. *Smile*
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Thanks Kittiara! I enjoy being part of this community! People here are kind, caring, insightful, understanding, helpful, talented, and just super awesome!!!!!!! I hope to be here for many years to come. :)
Hey all, I know it has been a while, but I have been dealing with my personal issues I previously mentioned, and for the past week I have also been sick. I did 2 new pieces of writing this month and just posted them to my portfolio, after renewing for another 3 months. I added the first one (about Caring for the People God Entrusts to Us) into my inspirational book that I am still looking for the write publisher to publish. I have this one publishing company I think it would be awesome if they published it, and since I did an update to the book, I may venture out and email them again with my updates and see if they are interested. Otherwise... I am considering self-publishing. But we will cross that bridge when we get there, and I do not need to hear anymore pushing me towards self-publishing. I want my book to be published the way God wants it to be. I continue to pray about it, and will not give up until I am a published author! I love you all and look forward to hearing from you on what you think of my newer writings. When I am feeling better (Pharyngitis or a really bad respiratory virus of sorts), I will do my best to also to do reading and reviewing of others' works. Writing.com is full of amazing writers who are passionate, creative, talented, and imaginative.
Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes on my birthday!! I was away at the beach about 75-80 miles from where I live (and also where I went to University, in that area anyhow). Then I was staying away while I tried to figure out a way to keep my upgraded account. I am thankful to God that I am able to say I just paid for another 3 months! :D *Heart* I love you all, and He knows that this community is one of my needs, of which He promises in Philippians 4:19 to supply all of my needs. Goodnight (or good day) and God bless! *Heart* *Hugs to all*
For most of you, it is Christmas Eve, so Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it, and Happy Hanukkah (since the 24th is also the first day of Hanukkah) or those who celebrate Hanukkah! Lots of love, peace, and joy to you all, my amazing writing community who I love unconditionally and am so thankful to have in my life! You guys are amazing and Jesus loves you all unconditionally! *Heart* *GiftT* *GiftT* *GiftT* *GiftT*
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/lexikaye_83