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Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Thank you all for the birthday and anniversary well wishes from:

see above.

Happy 17th!!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV* *Giftp* *Giftt* *GiftV*
happy anniversary
Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
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Happy WDC Account Anniversary! *Smile*
happy birthday
*GiftG* Happy Birthday *CakeP*

When linking a video from YouTube, a person must be particular about the URL you use. I posted videos for a week before realizing my error. Two of these will generate a playable video and one will not work. Who would like to hazard a guess which one doesn't work?

  •   1 comment
I suspect it'll be the first one.
I've been seeing a lot of people posting about the weather recently and... It's -41 outside right now and I am looking forward to it warming up to -13 with snow when the weekend is done because I love the snow. (Ya, look at me the stereotypical Canadian.)
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*Snow1* I've seen snow only once -- when I was 12 years old and visited Manali (Himalayas)!
-22F in Missoula. -45 in Yellowstone ... but I'm in Thailand. It's over 80F. I return to Montana in two weeks. It might be a shock to my system.
         I wrote a short story recently which after reflection I took down for missing the bar so wildly. With a little more polish I will share it again. This got me thinking about what other people's thoughts were when it came to the quality they look for in writing. This inevitably brought my mind to an article I had read a long time ago on this site and after a quick read again it still stands as one of the best on the subject.
         I am of the opinion that this article doesn't get read enough.

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How to Get 3 Stars on WDC Open in new Window. (E)
If you can get these things right you will get at least 3 stars from me every time.
#2039847 by Tileira Author IconMail Icon
  •   1 comment
The first thing mentioned in that item is THE BIGGEST pet peeve of mine. If I open something and see solid text, I want to click out of it and RUN. Give my eyes and brain a break! Give me some stinkin' white space!
*Announce*Hear Ye! Hear Ye! I have come to proclaim the return of the Anthology Project.*Announce*

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The Dreamweaver Lounge Open in new Window. (13+)
A forum for members and friends of the "Dreamweaver Bar & Grill" Group.
#2211867 by Richard ~ Looking for Luck! Author IconMail Icon

         Well, I'm a little late, but let us kick things off with a contest that will run from now until the end of next month.
*RibbonB* First Place: 50,000 Awardicon and 10,000 GPS
*RibbonR* Second Place: 25,000 Awardicon and 5,000 GPS
*RibbonY* Third Place: 10,000 Awardicon and 2,000 GPS

         The contest prompt consists of a character and situation that must be incorporated into your contest entries.
Character: sailor/pirate
Situation: homeward bound
         You can blame the sea shanty binge that I have been on lately for this prompt. Yet I think there is a lot you can work with here, is it a melancholy return or is there canon fire along the way or did they catch any fish?
         I will also still take submissions for the previous prompt if you like.
Character: a wizard (or another magical user of your choice)
Situation: At a crossroad

         Contest Rules:
*MugBr* Contest closes on the end of the month at midnight
*MugBr* Edits allowed until the contest closes
*MugBr* Maximum word count of 2,000
*MugBr* No higher rating than 13+
*MugBr* Winners will be announced in the middle of the following month

         I hope this is received with surprise and enjoyed for what it is worth. And I hope no one minds me saying I hope you all have an excellent new year.
Deus Vult Gratia,
*Shield4* KS *Quill*          
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
         I just started up a chess blog for anyone who may be interested. I am looking to post updates to it on a bi-weekly schedule. This way I have an outlet for my love of the game of 64 squares. And if you are already on chess.com, please come say hi and we can play a few friendly games together.

My Chess Blog: Unqualified Analysis  Open in new Window.

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My chess ability is deteriorating with age. I used to be able to give the chess.com engine a game of it at the 1600 rating, but got regularly stuffed by the one rated 2000. But that was some time back - God knows how I'd perform now.

Here's a game I found a while back that you might find entertaining:

Happy anniversary 🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉
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