Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kesme
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Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
KimE  Author Icon
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Wishful Thinking Open in new Window. (E)
A draft of a new poem. Enjoy and let me know what updates I can do!

Its a draft but let me know what you think!
KimE  Author Icon
Hey eveyone! Here is a new poem I wrote. I believe it's still rough draft. But enjoy!

Words flow through my mind
Freely as the fish in the ocean
But every now and then
It gets stuck
Stuck in another dimension
Stuck in the mud
My soul crumbles a bit
When words cannot flow
I try and I try to make it run
But sometimes I learn to let go
Let go and come back with new thoughts
New inspiration and
Soon those words will flow through my mind
  •   1 comment
Welcome to WdC! If you put thos in your port, you can share the link so people can review it, if they want. *Smile*

To create a link, you need the item ID number, located between the title and description. You use the curly braces located above the square brackets on your keyboard. And don't use spaces in the ML code.

I'll show you the 2 common links using my challenge...what you are welcome to join, of course. Hahaha

{item:2109126} = "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window.

{bitem:2109126} *Down*

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The Contest Challenge Open in new Window. (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon

You can also edit a Newsfeed note by clicking the little arrow in the upper right corner of your note and choosing Edit Note. An edit box will appear between your note and my comment. After you save the edit, if you realize you need to edit again, you have to refresh the page.

I hope that helps! Good luck and welcome to WdC!
Hi KimE! Welcome to WDC!

I just read your short story, Hide and Seek with Grandma. I usually review new items I read, but it's early and I'm lying on my back in bed *Bigsmile* so I can't really type a lot (my reviews tend to be long.) It's a bittersweet story, surprise twist at the end. I really liked it. Maybe I can get to it later? October is a busy month! I see you have two children, which I'd guess makes it busier for you, but if you have time, I encourage you to visit the Community Newsfeed (click Community on the left menu, then Newsfeed at the top) to see some of the chatter, sharing, and activities that are going on around the site. All of the resources here can be overwhelming, but take your time and look around.

This is a wonderful writers' community if you're looking for writing activities, learning opportunities, challenges, or friends. Of course it's fine if you're just here to exchange your writing and reviews!

You sound really interesting and I'd love to see you around on the Newsfeed. Send me a message if you have any questions about the site or just in general, I'm happy to help. –I'm an out lesbian on WDC, so you shouldn't need to worry about acceptance here. Harassment isn't tolerated at all, and I've always felt very welcome here.

I'm glad you're here! Have a great day!
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Hello! I just wanted to welcome you to WDC. I hope everything is easy here for you but if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Here is a wonderful place for you to check out: "The Angel Outreach ProgramOpen in new Window.

Also, here is a group that may be of help: "The Newbie Nook GroupOpen in new Window.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kesme