Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kdjrmommy
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Ok! Back to the writing site, hopefully, back to writing!! *Heart* *Heart* *Heart*

I wrote the beginnings of a "story" back in 2008 that I hadn't yet added to my files, so I will be doing that. I haven't added anything to it, as of now, but I am hoping to expand on it, depending. :)

I also would love to get some input on my other writing.

I have been MIA again! I keep planning on getting writing done & it just keeps not happening. I know I just need to DO it! LOL I know if I just did it, it would flow, but there is always something else to be done, ya know! I also want to read more things here, and I never get that done either. *Shock* I am glad for this warmer *FlipFlops2* weather! I have made sure my offline writing is updated to match what is here, so that hopefully, I can work on it more often. Then, I can always update my online file.

The only writings I have gotten done these last 2 weeks are letters. Well, I am glad to get them answered as well, but I am hoping to get more ambitious here! I had a really bad winter & was really depressed most of it :( I got nothing done!*Cry*

Thanks for stopping by!
Started a new writing the other day. Worked a teeny, teeny, tiny bit on another story I have here too. Hope to work on them more, this weekend maybe. Maybe. I keep saying that!! ;/
Life has been crazy, as I am sure it has been for all of you! I keep telling myself I am going to get back here & get a bit of writing done, at least a couple times a week, and yet, I just don't seem to get it done. I am also trying to use some of the writing prompts to get some writing in & I did start one a bit back that I am going to add today & hopefully, add more to it! Thanks for coming by!
Been sick since like July!! YUCK I have been trying to work on some writing to upload & share. I don't have too much! :)

I hope everyone is doing well! I would love to get internet at home, but still don't have it there ;/
I haven't written much since joining. I would really like to get writing more. I LOVE to write & still write letters ALL the time!! :) REAL letters not emails! LOL I am working on re-vamping myself & want to focus more on my writing & photography & as part of the working on me that I am doing!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kdjrmommy