Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/jimminycritic
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I would appreciate any one-star reviews you can give this entry. I wrote this terrible poem, and I worry it is not bad enough, but I would feel better if I received some one-star reviews! If you have entered this contest and want to give me a five star review, I would understand and laugh. I would laugh loudly, in fact. Good luck! And hurry because time is short...

 Planet WIDE Open in new Window. (13+)
Imagine Jupiter's on your computer and with your love you just want to go there. Hands up!
#2335651 by Jimminycritic Author IconMail Icon

Contest can be found here:
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The Bard's Hall Contest Open in new Window. (13+)
THE MADNESS of MARCH Acrostic poetry!
#981150 by StephBee Author IconMail Icon
I finally brought my son home from the hospital today. He isn't a lot better but the Doctors figure he would be happier at home and they are right to think so. He had a special surprise at the hospital, though. The Harlem Globetrotters came by to visit and do a couple of tricks in his room! How cool is that? They also had some therapy dogs stop by and that was exciting also. What a day! And then he came home. On the way home, he asked to go back to the Hospital tomorrow. Not if I have anything to say about it. The Hospital is nearly two hours away from home!

Harlem Globetrotters! Oh, Ya!
Nixie 🦊 Author Icon - They bring good memories even in the face of the bad! Thank you for sharing!
Soldier_Mike Author Icon - Very cool indeed! I never really thought of the goodwill in hospitals before, but glad it is there. Thank you!
Elycia Lee ☮ March Forward Author Icon - Thank you for the well wishes!
Day five in the hospital with my son. Pancretitus is extremely painful! I played bingo for him and won a prise delivered by Darth Vader! Should be going home in a few days
Wish us luck!
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So sorry to hear that. PRAYERS FOR PROPER HEALING *Pray*
Just got a message saying I clocked 989 hours of listening time in 2024 and I listened to 117 books...I should have a life, 😆
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But... but that is life!
"Felix. Wait"


There was a moment when I thought you weren't coming back

"Felix. Don't"


Because my heart can still break...

This came from an audio story on Prime Video called "Impact Winter." It's a vampire story—good stuff! The girl was changed into a Vampire Overlord, a thinking Vampire of sorts. She chooses not to drink human blood but is told it is inevitable that she will.
Winter (Wild) Weather Wonderland! Being careful out there is just the thing to do...
Just got back from visiting the home town (where he was raised) of James Earl Jones. Just visiting some thrift stores. It was a fun trip, though not one I care to do often. I do need to get out once in a while, right?
"I won't be staying up, so I'll say it now: Happy New Year!"
Merry Christmas! Happy Near New Year!
Snow day. I got buried in the snow and decided to play it safe rather than risk an accident to myself or someone else. Is this a sort of wisdom? My younger self would have said it was more like cowardness. I just looked it up and discovered that about 75 percent of the people I work with called in, so I am not alone.

Then I realize I will have to shovel and plow myself out...fun. LOL But, how very pretty the whiteout makes everything!
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When I was younger I would go to work no matter how bad the roads were, staying home only if they closed the highways into the city. Now...I just won't. My job isn't worth the risk to life, limb, and vehicle.

I call this wisdom.
Thanks for the trinkets! Hope all is well and Happy Thanksgiving!
  •   1 comment
You are welcome. Happy Thanksgiving to you also!
Today, I asked for an estimate of how many books there are in the world versus how many people there are in the world and the answer I received was approximately 8 billion people to 130 million unique books. Kind of sad, isn't it? Well, I think there is definitely room for more!
Why don't people eat ghosts?

Because they taste like SHEET!
I had my eyes glued to the T.V. this morning while watching the catch attempt by SpaceX and my wife was trying to get my attention to look at something on her phone. No, no. My eyes are glued. Sorry! Now that is my kind of sport SpaceX was 'sporting'. Gateway to the stars and Science Fiction becomes Science Fact!
The Red Queen gets a second smile and dirties poor Alice's pristine dress. Seriously! Alice just had Cinderella wash it! Hive business never ends...
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/jimminycritic