Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/jim1184
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Happy anniversary 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
Book one has been published, but I am not happy when I saw the contents. I have to have the proof reader and editor, explain a few things. My friends have already seen this so I am asking how this gets fixed or I will pull it and can book 2 and 3 also. Does any one know how to do that. I went through a well paid, KDP publisher and it was published on Amazon. major embarrassment.
A special day is coming up for you this month.

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

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Sorry I am late, self Publishing is drag. Thanks for the Anniversary wish.
On the science fiction side; the Deep Space Command series manuscripts have received a final THE END. Self Editing on two and formatting for publishing has been done, working on the third. I am cautiously shopping around for a publisher. My Fantasy manuscript; The Dragon the Wolf and the Raven has also received THE END.I never actually planed on publishing. If some one excepts it cool if not I will go the self publishing route. Copies to friends and relatives. This is not advice because I don't have a clue. I would not advise writing more than one book at a time and do not drag the writing process out over ten or more years. Deciding to publish at the last minute is really insane.
Another year, started with WdC. Finally managed to get all the drafts transferred. Now I can start using this sight to work on the EDIT and re -write. I am shopping for a new writing program/software and a new laptop. Any Ideas
Still writing, busy finishing book two, Deep Space Command series final draft. It will soon be decision time. The only things in the portfolio, are early drafts and basic Ideas. working titles. Book one, The Methuselah Exodus. Book two The Methuselah Rebellion. Book three, The Methuselah Solution. Soon , I will have to make up my mind. One Book, three parts or a three book series. Just an update , back to writing.
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In other news terrible stories have hit the news feed namely mine
I am paid up for another year Yea. Working on chapter 42. I am thinking five more and the first book in the Matriarchal Dreams series will be finished and ready for edit.
Just paid my WDC bill for the year. I have been away for awhile and actually spending a fair bit of time on The Dragon, The Wolf and The Raven. ( working title) considering summer distractions. Now if I can only remember how to get it from my computer to my portfolio
The RV camping season is over. The summer Reads are done. Most of the reviews are written. Now it is time to get to The Dragon, The Wolf and The Raven. I have accomplished some editing over the summer but winter is my serious writing time.
I have been working on the book and fighting off the domestic chore demons .
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Stay brave, pen warrior. We'll be rooting for you. : )
I have not added anything new for a long time. I have been working on a novel. Now I have to reread the instructions on how to put the chapters on here and make a book.
Click "Create Item" in your port or under the "Things to Do & Read" link. Choose the book item. Fill in the information and save. Click "add entry". Done? *Smile*
Chapter 13 is a mess, something happened with cut and paste things went every where.
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Death in Dorewitch Chapter 13  [GC]
Pwyll's journey to meet with the Elf Queen,is interupted.
Now to figure out folders, for novel storage.
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I know, I am still figuring out the whole folder thingy! If you get it down "pat" lemme know!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/jim1184