Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/itsonlyme
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Trying to get back into the groove of writing and s***.
Gearing up for NaNoWriMo!!!!!!
Thinking about jumping into the Kindle Worlds arena...
Good God! How life conspires to keep me away from my writing! No longer, I say!
Camp NaNo is in a week. I am so not prepared. Thank God I've only set a 10,000 word goal. *wipes brow*
NaNo freak out has started. I DON'T HAVE A STORY I WANT TO WRITE!!!
Man, it's amazing to review my portfolio and realize that I'm not completely rubbish at this writing thing!

And I wish I knew where I was going with that one story...
My waking hours are devoted to the "priorities" by my dreams are for my muse...
Nothing like really understanding the universe you've created. Makes it a helluva lot easier to troubleshoot...
Did you do it? NaNo? I wished you luck now I came to see if my luck worked.
I didn't this time. :'-(
I do have your luck saved up in a jar to be used next year, though.
Oy! I will not be defeated this year!!!
Be strong! Persist. Make an astroid light up the sky in nano-neverland. Anything to get them words down! Best of luck!!!
Thanks! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
I am totally in beastmode this NaNo and I. Love. It!
Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy CRAP! NaNo is a day away! Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy CRAP...
So little time before NaNo...
Outlining = Not really happening...
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/itsonlyme