Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/inplainsite
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Happy 3rd WDC Anniversary!

The Anti-Slam Slam Jam.

I hate to come off as being mean, or bashing people but, I wish to get this off my chest, and those that understand the message, and not read into it what they twist it into would be ideal, however?

Anyway, I don't mind people being involved with movements, I don't mind off the cuff thinking either. Get involved, do what's right, just don't go along with what you think you believe.

Case in point, GMO, good, bad, what do you think? Do you know? If yes you know, and you curb your life around or away from some, I see nothing wrong with that, if you actually know the truth, not just what you believe you know.
It's like a kid getting all wound up over global conservation, and wanting to reduce their carbon footprint by walking less, because they don't even know the meaning of the term.

How often are you choosing a different brand, of this or that, because they have been sold a false bill of lading? Even so, I guess I don't care, it's not my money, I actually (95% of the time know 3 sides of the story) don't listen to, or get swayed by, popular, public opinion.

Global warming, HA! If you don't think the world has been going through this in the past, you must also think we are still living in the ICE AGE too, right!
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Organic is another good one. OMG, basic science said, if it produces ash from carbon burning, organic, if not, inorganic.

# I love my planet,
# I love it so,
#Can I make a difference,
#The planet needs me so,
#Need to reduce carbon footprint.
#Okay, no jogging, no shoeprint.


"Oh, great! Now what do I do?"
Mark looks around at his quaint apartment shaking his head, as he paces. "Oh well, nothing lasts forever." His mind soon shifts through thousands of scenarios, in a matter of moments, just to poke holes in every one of them.

"No, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOO!". Stopping in his tracks, his eyes suddenly widen, his head snaps up, and with a shaking single finger pointing up in the air, "OH SUGAR, THAT'S IT"!
Mark slowly spins around and looks at his pride, a beautiful Disocactus Ackermannii, also called the orchid cactus. Walks to the temperature controlled cabinet, chooses a bottle and goblet, and fills it a quarter full. Ceremoniously, he clinks the potted plant, raises his glass, bows slightly, and takes a small sip of wine, before sitting back at the table, with his morning paper.

For the next 3 months, Mark worked on his rebirth, if he wants to get to the point he wishes to attain, he must make sacrifices. Preform partial tests, looking for overlooked flaws, setting up his new residency, removing his old items, spreading stories and rumors, and as if a newborn, he is ready to place the gravestone in the ground, of what once was.

Mark mickey's an unsuspecting patron, whisking him away. The man wakes in a abandoned building on the outskirts of town. A small amount of explosives under his clothes. From the shadows Mark whispers his accented instructions. A telephone, and keys lie on the table beside the man. He gets up, and drives downtown, to speak to the local gangs. Mark watches him from the computer. They have to have someone in prison to carry out the hit. Mark *Laugh*, looking at the Headline. STRANGLER FOUND GUILTY!

Pydaron, always knew what he wanted to do and be, it was only a matter of time before it were to all become reality. Life was rough, but a child doesn't care, and seldom notices during their daily adventures, and skirmishes. We were always told not to venture past the edge of the village, and for a while we didn't, but after familiarizing ourselves with every inch, it was time to secretly stretch our legs. It was on one of these trips that started his life's path. Leaning up against a hearty grand red Oak a stranger sat. Under his knee's his pack, a huge stick between his leg's, hanging on his shoulder.
He looked a peaceful gentle soul, in his worn, yet sturdy hide armor. My friends Shannon and Markus wouldn't come with me to greet this wayward traveler. Walking right up, as quietly as he could, as to not disturb his slumber, sat leaning against the tree with his new friend, and swiftly fell asleep.

Shannon and Markus got a little upset, and didn't feel brave enough, after all they weren't even suppose to be here. What happens if he comes in town and mentions meeting there under the tree, so less then a minute after Pydaron sat down, off they ran.

Slowly Py stirred, during standing he did a long stretching yawn, turns, and cocks his head at the still slumbering compatriot. Py didn't want to disturb his new friend, but the ornate stick seemed to call to him. Hoping not to disturb, but unable to control the impulse, he grabs, and lifts the heavy staff. It seems to hum, and the tiny, unseen gem glows a faint green, before once again fading to an unperceivable existence.

Py clumsily walks around with the stick, and due to the balance point it swings over and smacks the stranger on the shin. "Oh, I'm so sorr........ Py realizes something is wrong at that moment, lays the staff against the tree, kneels down, and shakes him. His eyes tear up.

Now what do I do Py thinks to himself. as he pulls the pack from under the knees. He knew he couldn't tell anyone without getting himself in trouble. He untied the strap on the latch of the pack, and his eyes expanded with amazement at it's contents. Never in all his life has Py seen such wondrous items. Py looks at the man, "You were so rich, never will I ever be able to get as much!" "Forgive me my friend, but this does you no good where you are going. Go in peace my friend, the path that lies before thee. Look over him Great Shepard."
After Py finishes his prayer, he lashes the pack back, and begins scavenging the body, and even though he doesn't want to invade the privacy of his dead friend, he strips him down to bare flesh, averting his eyes as best he can, but soon realizes that will not be an option forever. Now, the daunting tasks, the body and the gear. Digging a hole in the firm ground, would take too much time, so would taking him anywhere, and even though it breaks his heart he leaves the body where it is and takes the armor and spreads it out on the ground and places the gear on top of it, but it was still too heavy.

The sun hangs high in the sky above, as Py goes through the items contained within the pack he separates them into 4 piles. Pile one were items that interested him, pile two were items he felt may be the most valuable, pile three was items that were awkward, and pile four was items that didn't seem to fit in the other piles. He placed the valuable items in the backpack, one pile he wrapped in the hide top and stashed it in a bush not too far from the body, the awkward pile went in the pants and was stashed under a pile of leaves, and just for good measure he placed scat on top. He left one pile by the body and hurried back to the village to stash them in his spot just outside the village. He checks in with his family and scouts for his friends, who were eating at their house.

Py sneaks back into the woods, he checks the area around the body, satisfied it's clear, he rushes in and gathers up the pile still left out in the open and carries it to a rotted fallen tree, stashing the contents inside. He now notices drag marks he has made from his trip and picks up a branch full of leaves, and begins sweeping the ground for a distance then tosses foliage on the newly raked barren ground. Py hadn't thought of it until now, but he is going to need the best place ever for his newly acquired property to not be taken by, friends, relatives, and the other townsfolk he may come in contact with.

He heads back to double check on the hidden items, and making sure, as best as he can, that they are covered in case it rains before he can find a cave or some very secure location. It has been a long day for a wealthy young man. At home Py finishes the few chores he has and falls into a deep restful sleep, and begins dreaming of an adventure unlike anything he has ever thought of before.
His parents pick him up, and carry him into his bed, get him ready, and tenderly place him down, with a loving kiss as they exit. Meanwhile, inside the darkened realm, a myriad of cryptic pictures swirl, going in and out of focus. The darkness slowly shuffles, and Py is looking through pages, and pages of papers. This seems very strange to Py, at first, as few people have seen books, let alone know how to read. Before long, chanting echoes around him, and he then hears it's his voice. "Om Bia dom ascue." Over and over the chant continues.

Once more the darkness swirls around, but the chanting continues. Clouds part to a beautiful sunny day, he runs through the soft green grasses, kneels down on the shore of a fresh, cool, gently flowing stream, bends over and cups the water in his large hands. It trickles between his fingers, and down his chin, with an icy, refreshing tingle down the back of his throat. Py reaches over again for another drink, the reflection in the water though is not his, it's the stranger from earlier that day. A gentle peace fills his mind, as the reflection and Py mutually smile. Taking another refreshing drink really invigorates. Upon standing, Py reaches over and retrieves his staff in one hand, and with a wave of the staff, and his hand, a pulse vibrates through his hand, arm, and body, then a small feast appears on the ground, as he enjoys the food, he opens a book and chants causing Py to fall into a deeper sleep.

"There now. My time has gone, yours is still to be Py, I give this gift, for in you, more is to come then our dreams could ever show. I plant, deep in your unconscious mind a guide. No, it can't and won't control you, it will only give a yearning feel, to let you know this is something that may aid you in the future, the choice you make to accept, and learn, are yours and yours alone". Once more the swirling darkness clouds Py's mind. A kaleidoscope of images and past adventures mesh in a comical display of harmless tapestries woven across Py's dreamscape but, as with most dreams, it trails off in a lost mesh of unremembered occurrences.
That one chance happening shaped, and changed Py, and the world began to open for him.
The stranger's body disappeared, whether it was divine intervention, nature's grand scheme, or some other person chanced upon, and lay him to rest, Py never knew which. Py would check the gear quite often, when he could sneak off from his other friends, in time they drifted apart.
Py's family became increasingly more worried, as they felt Py was being more antisocial, but it couldn't have been farther from the truth, Py was merely turning from his childish ways, and looking at the interactions of people, and the places they held within their hierarchy.

Py, first goes to the strongest man in town, the local blacksmith, for a job. In time he hoped to learn the trade, and build his strength, as well as information, and gossip, even if it meant just tending the livestock, and keeping the building picked up. Later he searches out the most learned people within the village, and little by little he attempts to ingratiate himself to their service, while keeping up with his present responsibilities.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/inplainsite