Hey all. I've been really busy for a while, researching, reading, working, and networking with some various awake people, including a veteran who is compassionate and dedicated to help spread the truth. His name is Earl. Check out his stuff! His blog: http://nowingradical3.blogspot.com/ His YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/marlbearl1/feed When a veteran speaks up to expose horrible deeds U.S. government had done, you should listen to him. I have written a few poems. I realize I have a bunch to catch up on. My newest poem is a song, satirical about more upcoming crappy internet censorship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPDqvXc_b-M I apologize if I sound a little off key! ^^; |
This documentary clearly explains that TV is a great big propaganda machine! Tell-Lie-Vision. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b9j6fJqD-g |
Will hopefully review of your writings some more this week. I've found this really promising book I'll want to read after I'm done reading at least 1 of the 4-5 books I am still working on, and I'll want to read the introduction from it for a new video very soon. Even though a few people were just looking around in my store, today was still a good day. I found 4 more good books to look through, and I trashed the Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity books, since they have called anyone who questions and accuses government conspiracy theory nuts. I have no respect for those guys. |
I've got quite a few interesting writings on WDC bookmarked, and there's still some more of you I've had fairly recent wonderful reviews and emails. I will get to reading some of your writings hopefully soon! It's just been a really busy week for me - between reading, researching, and working. I've written two new poems that I'll be putting up. I'm quite pleased with them. (There's a third one that I will do major edits of, at a later time.) Wish me luck. I'll be attempting to help educate my semi-nosy neighbor, sometime soon. I'll be writing up a list of things for him to look at, in addition to my reasoning and common sense as to why I will never vote for any politician. (I already wrote a previous poem about him, titled "Clueless and Brainwashed", because he irritated me that one time - and I needed to vent. You'll see that one in my "Observations and Reactions" folder.) I will start typing up the list of facts, after I've added two new poems to my portfolio! |
Finally... The first chapter to my new story is up. The title I came up with is, "Leave Me Alone, Mind-Controlling Creeps!" ![]() I had to do a whole lot of editing on that chapter. I made sure it would appeal enough to the reader on getting to know the sort of people Jake and some of his friends (and enemies) have been and still are. ^^; Throughout the chapters, more characters will be introduced! |
aidenw Yeah I believe this story will be good! I've recently found out that none of my muses can go ignored for too long, and I just want one of my all-time favorite ones to be protected from the new villain that freaked him out, to what I saw in the dream I had he was in. Even my newest original villain is interesting, and I'm curious to develop Sho-Kah in depth. |
My story won't leave this site. It will still be there when you do find the time. ![]() |
Almost time for me to head out to my bookshop! Before I go though, I want to mention a story based on a dream that ended too abruptly that's coming soon. Another of older my writing muses has become active again, my alternative universe of Jake Berenson, from Animorphs. He's a main character in this! Him, and two newer muses/characters I want to get to know. |
I might end up doing a satire about the FBI later. Most of the frustration and disgust I've felt has passed by now. Today I just didn't feel like writing... Although, I have read more of the Saul Alinsky book, "Rules for Radicals." I'm halfway through it now! He's a change agent by the way, who had made quite an impression on both Obama and Hillary Clinton. |
What if I told you the Orlando shooting wasn't as it seemed? Check these out!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfufT0F-4_A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVEqdH7QGWs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sWrqwi4DTA No ambulances? Part of the ER was closed down? There was a cop smiling in the background. And there were bad actors?? In case you all would like to have a look into the CrisisCast website that is mentioned in the first video, here it is: http://crisiscast.com/ (It's time to start thinking for ourselves and not fall for their tricks. It's not funny at all to me, and it shouldn't be funny to you. But all this is sure funny to the tyrants and all their puppets.) |
The FBI's own report they put out annually tells how many homicides in each town and state, for the entire country, said NO FATALITIES in Newtown, CT that year. I was born and raised in that area of CT. The school was shut down for a few years earlier because it was on a dumping ground. And one of the investigators for the State Police found out the truth and started to ask questions of his superiors (he was one of the ones in charge), and he started getting threatened, etc. He quit the dept. and moved to FL where I live now. And he is still gathering even more evidence, and still being threatened to stop talking about it. |
Candace ![]() ![]() |
For a good belly laugh, check out this satire I wrote today. ![]() http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2087856-Whopper-King I've become funnier than Weird Al now, hehe. |
You're welcome to read the UNESCO PDF and the Earth Constitution to make the connection for yourself, for they are still available for public viewing! The poor sap who is my neighbor supports Hillary Clinton (who I know is the most disgusting choice for a female presidential candidate). I call her the barking uterus.
Trump is dishonest as well... On Monday or Tuesday, it would be possible to elaborate further on what I've researched on. The indoctrination that exists in all public and some private schools would tie into this. Ohhh yes, it does. It seriously does. I read a book relating to that, that originally came from the Library of Congress someone purchased, which had later been donated to my bookstore years ago - mainly about an incredibly brave woman who stood up to the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. government in the defense of her 3 children from the mid 80's to the early 90's. Anita Hoge's very thorough investigation never went to court, nor was it made public.