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You're right. You don't have any followers yet.
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs
If they clicked it once, you'll never know except that they might be clicking Like or commenting on your posts. If they click twice, they will see a megaphone in place of the Plus Sign and have become a fan of yours instead of just setting you as a favorite of theirs. You get notified when they fan you. In both cases, they'll start seeing your Newsfeed notes (this thing). The primary difference is whether you get notified.
To start making fans, you need to start making friends on here. Just like in real life, authors need fans to have their writing noticed.
Click Newsfeed. This will take you to your Personal Newsfeed by default. You will only see your notes, official WdC notes, and the notes of people whose Plus Sign you have clicked. Along the top you will see "View the Community Newsfeed." Click that and you'll see what everyone is posting! Start scrolling, Liking, commenting, and making friends. Before you know it, after you've been seen around a bit and you've commented on some people's notes enough times, they'll start clicking your Plus Sign.
To post a link to your item, you need the item number. You can find it on the item in your portfolio, without even having to open it. Or, if you open the item, the item number will appear under the title and description. Also, after typing the colon, it usually appears if you've written or edited it lately, but that can be a bit of a wait if you have slow internet.
Oops--I'm running out of characters.
There are 2 main ways to create a link here--item and bitem (big item).
In"SEEDFOLKS"by Paul Fleischman,Gonzalo tells of his uncle in his POV, but the other way?
#2259513 by MaybeChloe
Normally, if you are entering a contest, they want a bitem posted. In normal conversation, I just use item links. I hope this helps!
Again, WELCOME TO WdC!!!