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*Balloonr* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Balloong*

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I've been putting teases about the behrkog into previous chapters. We finally meet the fierce creature in this chapter. Also, Ylna and Tom's relationship develops more.
May the fourth chapter of my book be as good as I hope it is.
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I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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I have chapter two up now as well.
Say I write about another planet where the years are longer, making my MC 10 which is the equivalent of 17 or 18 earth years. The problem is, the people of this planet don't know anything about earth so how would they know this? Any ideas how to explain how old 10 actually is to the reader from a 3rd person limited POV?
Well if the days are the same length as earth than a reference to the calendar that has 6500 days could work. Maybe there's a planet in the solar system that has an earth year orbit and a reference to it having 365 day years can be through in some how.
Opps my brain wasn't working earlier. It would be closer to 700 days... I shouldn't write first thing in the morning. I forgot to factor in the 10.

Though, in all honesty, I don't think the age will get to people as long as the information is there to calculate the age in earth years. Most people will just except it if they believe a ten year old of an alien race is the equal of an eighteen year old human: marking it up to faster growth and superiour intelligence. And those that are good with numbers can figure out the true age for themselves.
This is what I get for not logging in every day of the week. I miss the day of my one year anniversary.
*BalloonB**BalloonGo**Balloonr* Happy account anniversary! *Balloonr**BalloonGo**BalloonB*
Happy anniversary! *StarfishY* *BalloonB*
Who suffers from allergies like I do?

 Allergies  (E)
The poem I wrote about my allergies.
#2036092 by Michael Stirland
  •   1 comment
I also do. Aside from trees and plants, I also suffer from allergies to so many foods. It's not an easy life especially when the sneeze, itch, and ache start to hamper the daily activity.

Nice poem. I like it! *Delight*
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Kind of a long synopsis, but I'm told that I should prepare a 2 - 3 page synopsis just in case an agent requests one.
I need a name for a fictitious medieval kingdom.
Honestly, without knowing at least a couple of sentences about this kingdom I'm not entirely sure what to suggest.
Someone pointed out to me that Andor (the kingdom where Henry lives in I am Bear) is also the name of a kingdom in the Wheel of Time, so I'm thinking about changing the name to something else.
I have a counsel of magical creatures in one of my chapters. I have shape-shifters, sprites, and fairies already at the meeting, but I want more creatures there. I'd like to put in dwarfs and elves, but would that make it too similar to Lord of the Rings? What other creatures can you guys come up with? Thank you for your help!
well you can't have a counsel of magical creatures without dragons. But would they be considered shape-shifters? I suppose it depends on how you make your dragons. *Smile*
I do have a wizard and a dragon shape-shifter who should both be there. Maybe I could have more than one wizard come. That might be interesting. I like the giant idea too. Since the meeting is held high in the branches of trees, maybe the giants could just stand up and have their heads level with everyone else who are sitting in the branches. I like some of the other creatures you guys came up with too. Keep the ideas coming everyone!
Try looking at spriggans. I just discovered them mentioned in a book I was reading recently.
What do you guys think of flashbacks in the beginning of a book? For instance, my character starts off at a cabin with two men questioning him. Then he falls asleep and dreams about the events that led him to the cabin. The flashback takes about half the chapter. Do you think I should start at the cabin and keep it as a flashback or just start with the events that led to the cabin?
I guess you don't have much to worry about if only a few reviews question it. *Wink* Some people just prefer chronological order for every aspect of the story (which can lead to monster epics packed with boring stuff in my opinion). To each their own. *Laugh*
Personally, I've seen a lot of flashbacks some good, a lot bad, but I do think it works for I am Bear because it flows seamlessly with the rest of the story. And I think that often times it is more about how the flashback blends in with the rest of the story that makes the flash good or not. If the flashback flows naturally with the story then it's good, if it feels like it pulls the reader out of the story in order to give back-story then it's bad. If I am Bear was a movie then the flashback wouldn't work, but because I am Bear is a book were the story flows into the flashback and back into itself it works. And in my opinion works well.
I like the way you put that KnightScribe. I am glad it works well in my case. I think I will keep the flashback there. Thanks for everyone's help!
Well folks, I've been polishing my book "Invalid Item and getting some of my friends and family to read it.

As always, I appreciate any reviews anybody wishes to give me. This has come a long way since I first posted it five months ago.

Thanks and have a great weekend! *Smile*

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#2028292 by Not Available.

RIP Leonard Nimoy. I'm so sad to hear that he has passed away.
My wife's a Special Ed teacher. Last night she was putting a puzzle together. This helps her relax after having long days with kids (and other teachers). She's a little OCD so I guess organizing things makes her feel less stress. Well, I thought it'd be funny if I hid one of the pieces. So I put one in my pocket. During a commercial break, I go to the bathroom. When I come back, all the cushions from the couch are taken off and she's frantically searching the floor.
"What are you doing on the floor?" I ask.
"There's a piece missing!" she cries. "Help me find it!"
Then she takes a picture of the puzzle with the missing piece and posts it to Facebook. Pretty soon I hear the notification sounds of all these people who know how OCD my wife is who "like" and reply to her post with sympathy!
"Here, I'll uh... I'll help you find it," I say as I get on the floor. Carefully, when she's not looking, I take the missing piece out of my pocket. "Found it!"
Hugh sigh of relief!
I don't dare tell her about putting it in my pocket, nor will I ever hide a puzzle piece from her again.
If I'm writing dialogue and someone stops midsentence, do I use one or two dashes?

"You're not suppose to-" or "You're not suppose to--"

If it's a question, do I put a question mark after the dash?
Thanks! That helps!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/iambear