Tipsy Tuesday Thoughts We both get wet by rain Heat turns into beads glistening on our bodies. And although it might shine here while snow kisses your lips somewhere far away There's not much differ between you and me You express your feelings by the beat of a tune people seek your identity in the things you drew I hide behind fear use procrastination as an excuse as I dream bigger and bigger than the choices I choose You may seem funny charming kind smart Yet I do not find a reason to allow you into my heart We both entered the world in the same way our endings are similar too so tell me, Mr.Idol why I should hopelessly fall in love with you? -HP* #kpop |
Why the stars left my eyes I had somehow succeeded in losing track of my existence in a pandemic whilst studying three careers in one as I grew apart from my faith that I am holding on to for dear life. I'm stuck between drinking and partying and life as such and being a farm girl. And all I want is clarity of this catastrophe exploding in me as I smile and laugh at the foolish joke my brother had made about my current liking of the Korean ethnicity. It might be breaking my heart slightly but there's so little left of it he might as well carry on. And I doubt I believe in "a love so strong..." I've been in the company of my parents for too long. -HP* |
My mother is no angel My father is no saint Sometimes the devil loves me and God showers me with hate Yet I still keep my faith wrapped in linen in the furthest chamber in my heart For no particular reason I guess. But I'll see you at church next week as I always do I'll be in the corner of the room between the broken vases and withered roses covered in thorns HP* |
I think the images are strong enough to be worked on. I do hybrid poetry and prose at times. There is a story here (set in a church?), a lament (broken vases/withered roses), a short poetic quatrain (your first four lines) that feels like mantra someone might repeat. As is they are just stray thoughts, but I've come up with stories or poems with less to work with. |
It's quite sad really, that my father doesn't seem to notice how he is pushing me in the same direction he is trying to blind me from. I believe I might just pack my bag and leave. Soon. In a rush. And he'll break into a pathetic million pieces as I do every day. What a shame... Are sympathizing for me or for him? |
I'm so sorry about that. Perhaps you should talk to him. Definitely don't leave to punish him or "to show him" as it sounds like you are considering. Though at the appropriate age (depending on your nationality, culture, maturity level, financial status, etc.) there will be a time you will leave anyway. Just be sure you leave with love and grace in you heart for both you and him. ![]() |
Is it so wrong to want to imprint my body, mind, thoughts, and habits so permanently into another being that they won't be able to tosh around at night without feeling my weight sagging into the mattress beside them? Or am I just a writer? |
Welcome to WdC! I'm not sure we've met, though I see you aren't brand new here. Interesting question and I love the final one. ![]() ![]() The way your posts in your Notebook work is that they appear on the Newsfeed. For you, you will see them on both the default Personal Newsfeed you see when you click Newsfeed to come here. But you will also see it on the Community Newsfeed, as will everyone on there because it shows what everyone is posting. The problem is, most folks don't ever go on the Community Newsfeed. ![]() To get more people to see your posts, you need more people to have clicked your Plus button. Schnujo's Giving Away GPs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() So, the problem is that the default is your Personal Newsfeed that only shows posts from people who you have pressed the Plus button of. That means if a person hasn't pressed yours, they won't see what you've posted on the Newsfeed (AKA in your Notebook). That's why I encourage folks to go on the Community Newsfeed. To get there, on your Personal Newsfeed, along the top, you will see View the Community Newsfeed. Click that and you will see EVERYONE'S posts. ![]() ![]() ![]() Good luck and welcome! |
I hope you get some clarity and peace!