I've just edited an item by listing characters in it to not confuse the reader in my portfolio:
Hi! I poked around your portfolio a bit just to see how you're doing. What can I say? I spy on new people. ![]() I noticed that you 1. do tons of reviews and 2. aren't in a review group. There are groups on WDC who give gift points for every review you give. Gift points can be used for lots of things. Paid memberships (more space in your port and tons more options), merit badges & awardicons, donations to groups and contests you care about, and even real merchandise like WDC sweatshirts and coffee cups. They're super useful and really, they are the best way to help you get involved on the site. Considering the quality of your reviews (which is good!), I would recommend "SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP" ![]() I might as well say that I wont get anything at all if you join. This isn't some kind of weird sales pitch. ![]() ![]() There are other groups too. If you want to know more about them, shoot me an email or note. Happy to help! The important thing is to keep reviewing... you're good at it, and people really appreciate it. It's what the site is all about. ![]() |
miss placed her name, on hot_blood-89. The account is Richard Edwards' not Joyce Lancaster. Her user name is popeye89 She was trying to establish her address in your company. She was told she has an account. But she forgot her email address she gave you. Help. Sincerely Richard Edwards. |