Horizon, I know what you mean. For me I can't usually talk to my family about things that bother me. They seem to have tunnel vision and they are on a different wave length. It does help to talk about ithings, but it doesn't always solve a problem. I've heard it said that variety is the spice of life but there can be a comfort in consistency. |
All of a sudden, it's all just a meaningless routine... What can I do to break the monotony? Just moments of fun aren't enough now.. I yearn for longer memories... |
Moments of fun can help a person cope and bring a new or different perspective, or maybe just a chance to appreciate those things that are free, such as the beauty of nature. Yet, I know what you mean. I, too, have felt this way more than once. |
Until recently, I hadn't realized to what extent human beings were capable of hoping. I'd always seen despair and depression conquer people. But now, when I'm waiting for a decision that could completely change my life, I realize how much of an optimist I am. I wake up every morning with buckets of hope, which turns into trickles of despair by nightfall. And yet, the next day again my bucket's full. I want to look at it as a strength..but why does it feel like a test of faith? |
Why is it that instead of actually sitting and completing the huge backlog of work, I spend so much time whining about it? Sure, I get the sympathy of my friends, and love being dramatic... javascript:updateLine('RollEyes',%20'2'); But this is not the way to go about things... Wonderful realization..and now lemme go back to my whining.. javascript:updateLine('Smirk',%20'3'); |