Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/helenarthur1
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Anna  Author Icon
Hello everyone! I recently stumbled across my old short, short stories and I have decided to rewrite a few! Startling with Moonlight Terror and whilst the name might throw you off, it would mean the world to me if somebody would be willing to read my new works (they range at about 600-3,000 words) and if anyone wants to review them, that would be so endearing and I will be sure to thank you! Reading the work will take about 10 minutes out of your day (much less if you're a quick reader) and reviewing it will take the best part of 5 minutes (or if you want to give more feedback then possibly 10-20 minutes just for the review) Thank you so much, I hope you enjoy my work!
*Balloonr* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Balloong*

*BalloonB* *Party* *ConfettiG* *BalloonO* *BalloonB* *ConfettiB* *BalloonP* *ConfettiO* *BalloonB* *BalloonR* *ConfettiR* *BalloonV*
Anna  Author Icon
 DISMANTLE (UN-EDITED CHAPTER 2. ENJOY!) Open in new Window. (13+)
Now Peyton is in the room.. she regrets ever walking in.
#2302429 by Anna Author IconMail Icon

Anyone willing to review I will give gift points or review a piece of yours. Thanks for all comments and helping me out! All is so appreciated :)
  •   1 comment
Anna  Author Icon
it's an unedited version so any mistakes, it's not I am careless it's just I haven't edited yet! Thanks!
Anna  Author Icon
Hi can someone help me please?
I just came back on here and the site wasn't loading. It said privacy error when I tried to open it. It said advanced on one side: (so when I clicked it it said:) someone is trying to steal your work (or something along those lines) then on the other reload which it pulled up the same page. Then I deleted my history and reopened the page.
Can someone tell me what that means please?
And maybe just help me on why this happened?
No idea! I've not seen that. ruwth knows a lot, so maybe she can tell you? Otherwise, you can go to Writing.Com Tools (on the left side) then in that menu, go to Help: Technical and ask there. Good luck! *4leaf*


That warning is something generated by your browser when it doesn't recognize a site. I have seen it at times when using public wifi. Usually, when you click on advanced, it will give you the option to load the site. Writing.Com is safe to load.

Am I saying this right, The StoryMaster?

In the future, the best place for this kind of question is the "Technical Support ForumOpen in new Window. as Schnujo's Giving Away GPs suggested. *Smile*

I don't really think that should ever happen if you browser is current, the time/date is set correctly and your network is secure. You'd have to do some Googling to research further why that might happen and if there's anything you can fix. Having the exact specific error would help with that... "something along those lines" is somewhat harder to find because you can't search for the exact text.

Sorry I can't be of more help. *Smile*
Anna  Author Icon
Is anyone willing to read a short story of MAX 500 words? It's a short chapter, 2nd chapter to be completely honest. It is about two agents who are on a mission but this is just the start so can someone review. I have already left a request to be reviewed but the person hasn't yet. Thanks!
Also in return I will send you gift point and/or review one of your peices. I am mainly alright with reviewing short stories of horror, fiction, fantasy etc. Poetry is something I am not skilled in but would still review so please think about reviewing this piece of mine it would mean the world.
Also leave in the review what you want in return for reading, thanks :)
I would, but which of your stories is it? if you could add a link to the title it would help me.
In case you aren't sure how to create a link, I'll show you. If you already know, maybe someone who doesn't will see this and learn. *Bigsmile*

You need the curly braces for pretty much all code here. They're located above the square brackets on your keyboard. You also need the item number. It's the 7-digit number located below the title. It should automatically pop up if this is one of the last 8 things you've worked on.

The 2 main ways people create links are item and bitem (big item) links. For this, I'd say you want a bitem link. They're more eye-catching. item links are good for conversation. I'll show you both using my challenge. (Feel free to check out my challenge! *Delight*)

{item:2109126} = "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window.

{bitem:2109126} *Down*

Image Protector
The Contest Challenge Open in new Window. (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon

I hope this helps! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2* Good luck getting a reviewer. *Smile* I'm traveling ATM, so it probably won't be me. *Wink*
Anna  Author Icon
I need someone's help please!
Hi, I need some help figuring out how to get the Request A Review to work.
I know they simple: click Request A Reviewthen click on the person you think is most suitable for the review. You have:
1. Item or Entry
2. Gift points
3. Notes

Will you please help me on the main problem. (3.) I can not figure out and when I put something in it declines it saying not found as an item of entry.
If you know how to fix this please help me. I have been trying for ages and can not seem to figure this out at all.
I am sure there is a simple answer that I have over thought to much however, having help would really help me!
Thanks for reading (if you did even get this far)
Yours sincerely,
Which item do you want to have reviewed?
Maybe it wants the whole link when you are putting the item number or vice versa? Whatever you tried, try the opposite.
Anna  Author Icon
thank you both, I managed to figure out how to do it
Anna  Author Icon
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Dismantle (CH 2 un - edited ver.) Open in new Window. (ASR)
Peyton discovers why she was called. But she doesn't want to go through with it.

have a read if you enjoy:
- suspense
- drama
- action
- adventure

Why not leave a review of whether you enjoy it or not.
Give me feedback on what I have done well or what I could work on because I am always okay with editing my work to get it to the highest of it's standard.
Thank you for reading!
  •   1 comment
Anna  Author Icon
Please have a read and review if possible thanks!
Anna  Author Icon
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Dismantle (CH 1 un - edited) Open in new Window. (E)
Peyton tries to figure out why she was called. But the wait was getting to her badly.

Please be sure to read
If you like it why not leave a review of what I could work on {grammar, description etc.}
Or what I have done well {character, 'setting the image' etc.}
Thank you for your time,
  •   1 comment
You can also post this under Please Review under the Community tab. *Smile* Good luck! I don't read or review much these days, but I know others do. *Smile*
Anna  Author Icon
Please read:
 Dismantle (CH 1 un - edited) Open in new Window. (E)
Peyton tries to figure out why she was called. But the wait was getting to her badly.

Hi this is an unedited version of my 1st Chapter of my book: Dismantle.
It's a mystery // action // adventure {book chapter}
If this sounds like something that you are interested in have a read.
See if you like it.
If you do have a read.
- Thanks: Anna
  •   1 comment
Welcome to WdC! I know you're not brand new, but folks here less than a year are still considered newbies because there's so much to learn. *Bigsmile*

I see you have 4 fans. Congratulations! Be sure to keep working on getting more fans. Much like authors in real life, without fans, hardly anyone sees our writing, especially our posts on the Newsfeed.

One place to meet new people, find out what's going on around WdC, and to make new friends is the Community Newsfeed. When you click Newsfeed, by default, it takes you to your Personal Newsfeed. Along the top of your Personal Newsfeed, you will see "View the Community Newsfeed." Click that and you'll see what EVERYONE is posting (within your rating limit), not just your little part of WdC. Scroll, Like, comment, and start making friends. The more people see you interacting with them, the more they'll start looking forward to seeing you around and eventually they will double click your plus sign to start following you. *Smile* And when you find people you enjoy interacting with, be sure to double click their plus sign as well. Some people will automatically become your fan just because you double click their plus until you see the megaphone. Others, like me, don't, but reward you with GPs. Though most folks don't do anything, but it's good to double click to see if you get any reward. *Bigsmile*

If you only single click, you set them as a favorite and they aren't notified so they can't fan you back or reward you, so clicking until you see the megaphone is best. *Wink*

I see that you have your max content on the Newsfeed set as rated E. You can set the Newsfeed notes that you see as different from what you post. I'm not sure if you did that or not. I see up to 18+, but post up to 13+. If you only see E, you won't see much because most folks are set higher than that. I do recommend you at least see the 18+ posts just to see if you are okay with that (unless you're a kid, then 13+) because 99% of them are really rated E or at most, 13+. You see very little actually rated 18+ stuff on the Newsfeed, even if they have their note rated as 18+. I just don't want you to miss out on activities and other things because your rating is set too low. No pressure, but think about it. *Wink*

Again, a late welcome to WdC! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Anna  Author Icon
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Dismantle (CH 1 un - edited) Open in new Window. (E)
Peyton tries to figure out why she was called. But the wait was getting to her badly.
Anna  Author Icon
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Dismantle (CH 1 un - edited) Open in new Window. (E)
Peyton tries to figure out why she was called. But the wait was getting to her badly.
Anna  Author Icon
Please read my newest book in my portfolio:
 Destroyer Open in new Window. (E)
Faye sets out on a mission to kill her father. But why?
#2288796 by Anna Author IconMail Icon

Destroyer is about a young girl called Faye. She wants to kill her father.
Now, this seems like any other murder mystery, killing psychopath story however, there's more to it than that.
If you like drama, mystery and or leaves you thinking, then my new book Destroyer is perfect for you.
And if you like it why not leave a review!
Even if you don't like it, tell me why by emailing me or simply leaving a review
I am open to any comments (good or bad) to improve my writing/ work
Thanks for reading
And enjoy you day.
Anna  Author Icon
What should I write about? Give me some ideas in the comments and a genre I will pick the best one and write about it. Thanks!
Yours sincerely,
A comedy romance about a woman who falls in love with a man she has promised her best friend she would set her up with...
Write about a street urchin/pick-pocket who gets caught in the act of robbing a parent he'd believed dead.
Anna  Author Icon
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Destroyer Open in new Window. (E)
Faye sets out on a mission to kill her father. But why?
Anna  Author Icon
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Destroyer Open in new Window. (E)
Faye sets out on a mission to kill her father. But why?
#2288796 by Anna Author IconMail Icon
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/helenarthur1